Date: 1/13/2001 10:31:00 AM
From Authorid: 15976
I really don't know!!! May be???? |
Date: 1/13/2001 10:34:00 AM
From Authorid: 160
At risk of offending anyone my body language and actions speak much louder than my words ever do. I do not let my kids out of my sight! Not for any moment except when they are in school and even there I worry. And hey to you suzieQ!! |
Date: 1/13/2001 10:37:00 AM
From Authorid: 20497
I have heard this before and DO NOT let my child outta my sight either....not even out front to ride his bike......*without me*....but no not actually *know* if this is true. Bwearsie |
Date: 1/13/2001 10:38:00 AM
From Authorid: 16612
No, because Satanists don't sacrifice things.
Devil Worshippors do. Satanists don't sorship the devil.They worship themselves.-TessekTheQuarren |
Date: 1/13/2001 10:38:00 AM
From Authorid: 15033
I doubt very highly that you could offend a Satanist... |
Date: 1/13/2001 10:45:00 AM
From Authorid: 16612
And another thing.....Satanists have treated me alot better than my fellow Christians have, that's for sure.-TessekTheQuarren |
Date: 1/13/2001 11:18:00 AM
From Authorid: 20944
I really doubt it, but to each his/her own. I think that person is still just remembering the satanism scare you talked about. Great post. |
Date: 1/13/2001 11:28:00 AM
From Authorid: 10722
Probably, I wouldn't trust them at all. |
Date: 1/13/2001 11:56:00 AM
From Authorid: 11097
Maybe and maybe not, u don't have to be a Satanist to abduct a child, but u can also be one. it is a mixed question. As far as Satanist do not worship Satan, that is the ultimate downfall of that religion- what i mean is it is a lie. U say u do not worship Satan, but urselves, God states in the 10 commandments that U do not worship other Gods before him, by u saying u are ur own God, is just as being pulled away form the light, in which there are only two ways to go, God or Satan, u are being blinded and deceived and allowing it to happen. |
Date: 1/13/2001 12:54:00 PM
From Authorid: 14407
I saw one of Mr.Warnke's books. I find it hard to believe anyone who looks that much like Wierd Al Yankovich.-Gandwere |
Date: 1/13/2001 2:34:00 PM
From Authorid: 23932
From what I understand, there has never been any concrete proof of the claims of widespread Satanic ritual abuse. It's more likely that "real" evil people are doing the abducting: rapists, pedophiles, serial murders, psychopaths. If there is a Satan, I'd say he's already doing just fine with all the ordinary sickos in the world. |
Date: 1/13/2001 3:53:00 PM
From Authorid: 17525
Where did he get hia statistics? Now that he's reaped the 'wealth' brought about by his mouth, perhaps we should verify what he said. If it is KNOWN that this is the case with 1/2 of ALL missing children, then surely those children would NOT be missing. Did he document this himself, or is he just throwing out a number for shock value? I wonder Osiris |
Date: 1/13/2001 4:00:00 PM
there was a girl that was abducted in 89.evidentally the abductors are in jail and the girl never at our local library there is a is dedicated to the girl around the time of the news i dont think they mentioned about the folder it told about satanic cults ato z.people in volved in the book was here from a local colleege especially the dean ,a preacher and teacher at college,people that worked for the detention centers.gave name and addresses of cults and there tv programs.i contacted local people whose names were in the book .by person and by phone.all denied any knowledge of the book and they asked no questions. |
Date: 1/13/2001 4:02:00 PM
i just wrote the last can read my stories at author id 2687.dont know why my number aint going with my replys |
Date: 1/13/2001 4:50:00 PM
From Authorid: 14571
I'd want to see more proof before I believed this statement. |
Date: 1/13/2001 4:51:00 PM
From Authorid: 16989
yes, they gonna sacrifice them or something -huma |
Date: 1/13/2001 4:51:00 PM
From Authorid: 13298
I think this statement was intended to scare people. I know plenty of Satanists, and they don't do anything of the sort. However the one devoted Christian guy I know also collects child pornography. Isn't that ironic? |
Date: 1/13/2001 5:03:00 PM
From Authorid: 18737
Hiya, Suzy...Bug, I am with the others ^^^ who require "proof." ... I regularly receive bulletins and information from the Federal Bureau of Investigation and other law enforcement agencies. I have never seen this allegation or correlation of "child abductions" with any "religious" group. ... Mr. Warnke sounds like another "opportunist" spreading evil, lies and hate around the world to line his own pockets, irrespective of the consequences for others... That is not to suggest that "criminals" aren't out "there" but I do not believe that there is an organized effort to abduct children... May peace and harmony be forever yours. /s/ J.T. |
Date: 1/13/2001 5:33:00 PM
From Authorid: 16612
Princess of Light> Don't threaten me!!!! I'M A CHRISTIAN, NOT A SATANIST!!!!!-TessekTheQuarren |
Date: 1/13/2001 6:00:00 PM
From Authorid: 13729
I think in non-parental abductions it is more for the sale of the child for money...not for satanic purposes... |
Date: 1/14/2001 10:14:00 AM
From Authorid: 16671
Princesss of Lights, statement is what God said, dont kill the messenger. I personally believe that part of these abductions of children are used it rituals, sold into white slavery markets, and just plain killed because of so many sickos in the world. WHat do you think? |
Date: 1/14/2001 1:05:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 15358
I didn't write this! *lol* Like I just put in the post, I left my Userid in the comp, and LSG thought it was hers...this isn't my story, it's LadySpiritGuide's!!! ~*ScruffyLilSuzyBugg*~ |
Date: 1/14/2001 1:19:00 PM
From Authorid: 11092
Numerous religions perform sacrifices, why is it just confined to Satanism? |
Date: 1/14/2001 1:33:00 PM
From Authorid: 18887
ok yeah i thinlk |
Date: 1/14/2001 4:22:00 PM
From Authorid: 12709
That's disgusting, is all I have to say. |
Date: 1/16/2001 4:32:00 AM
I think a better theory would be Roman catholic Priests. They have more access to children and have been proven in many cases of molesting and raping children. |
Date: 1/16/2001 4:17:00 PM
From Authorid: 160
It's not nice to fool your friends!!!! |
Date: 1/18/2001 7:26:00 PM
From Authorid: 24924
There are many who are, but in no way is it the majority. Most children are snatched, and killed within very short time of their abductions. Some abused sexually and abandoned. I deal with a lot of Victims of sexual assault, and only once have I heard of the term "satanist" when referring to their abuser. |