Before I had my first OBE, I read seveeral books on the subject, and decided that I could do this All it takes is extreme concentration and lots of patience. The way I had my first Obe, I would lie flat on my back, and concentrate on seperating myself from my body, to know that I was not the body, but the spirit inside,, then I would concentrate on myself exiting out of the body through the top of my head, it took over a month of doing this daily, it was very exhausting, because of all the effort on concentration, fianally all the effort paid off, I exited my body, and was immediatly, and fully conscious of where I was, I was in the cosmos, I could see beautiful planets in the distance, I knew at once that I could propel toward them and I did at whatever speed I wanted, and I experimented with that, on my way I ran right through what I thought to be a meteror shower but it was just spheres (round) of light all different colors, colors that I have neveer seen on earth before, there are colors you cannot even imagine. After I had passed through that I again headed for the distant planets, on my way I had one single thought of my body , and was then pulled back in to my body, for two days afterwards my feet would not even touch the ground, I was so light as if there was a lot less gravity, and I was filled with what I call bliss, like the best natural high posible, the best experience of my life. You don't have to see your silver cord for it to be there, its always there. Logan51 How it changed my life:It let me know that we are not just this body but a beautiful spiritual being , who looks foward to seeing more of the cosmos... You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 23956 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .