"Nick, would you leave us alone, already?" Raeanne snapped, whirling around to face her best friend. Nick stopped in his tracks, a little shocked by the look of pure hatrid in Raeanne's eyes.
"Laura, would you please talk to me?" Nick pleaded, glancing in his girlfriend's direction. Laura didn't even stop walking. Raeanne jogged to keep up with her. "Listen, girls. I'm really sorry."
"Sorry doesn't cut it, Nick," Raeanne called back to him. Nick ran to keep in pace with the two.
"Laura, why won't you forgive me?" he pouted.
"Tell him," Laura ordered her cousin.
"Well, let's see, Nick. My cousin was having her live solo performance. You promised her you would be there two hours in advance. Not only did you break that promise, but you failed to show up until the moment we were walking out the doors," Raeanne barked.
"Listen, okay. I told you I've been really stressed. I fell asleep on the couch. If you hadn't have called me and woken me up, Raeanne, then I wouldn't have show up at all!" Nick cried. Raeanne stopped walking.
"Nick, that would've been better, in my opinion. We wouldn't be having this discussion, and you could've had a better excuse than the lame one you just shoveled out," she glared at Nick.
"It's the truth!" Nick insisted. He passed Raeanne, then looked at Laura. He turned toward her, walking backwards. Laura was quietly crying. "Laura you beleive me, right?"
"I don't know what to beleive anymore, Nick," Laura whispered.
"I said I was sorry, baby," Nick apologized, grabbing his girlfriend's arm. Laura shook him off. "I said I was sorry, Laura. Why won't you forgive me?"
"I've forgiven you more times than you've said sorry, Nick. Now is one of those times where no matter how many times you apologize, I'm going to be mad at you," Laura spat. Nick's vibrant blue eyes widened. Laura furiously brushed the tears out of her eyes. "No, don't give me that look. It won't work this time."
"Come on, I'm really, really sorry!" Nick whined.
"Listen, Nick. I was waiting at the bar, with Raeanne. I was waiting for you to come, so you could see me at my first live performance. And you let me down!" Laura roared. She dug her keys out of her pocket, then opened the screen door to her house. "I'm sorry, but you're not getting off that easy."
"Laura," Nick trailed off. Raeanne brushed past him and followed her cousin into the house. She shut the door behind her, but not before she saw the desperate, pleading look in Nick's eyes.
"LT, maybe we should give him a break," she said softly. Laura sprawled herself across the licing room couch. She glanced at her cousin.
"Are you joking?" she scoffed. "I wouldn't forgive him unless he gave me two diamond rings, seven years of personal slavery, and a Abercrombie & Fitch of my own."
"Well, he'd owe me, too," Raeanne grumbled, not even listening to Laura. She was peering out of the blinds.
"What are you looking at?" Laura asked, swinging her legs off of the couch. Raeanne motioned for Laura to come over to her. Laura peeked out of the blinds. She saw Nick. "Now, what is he doing?"
"Who knows?" Raeanne replied, softly. "Shh, he'll hear us."
"Can you see what he's doing?" Laura hissed.
"No, I can't even see him," Raeanne answered. "Oh, wait there he is."
"Is he climbing into my tree?" Laura giggled. She and Raeanne shared a look, then ran upstairs. The two giggling friends crowded around Laura's window. They carefully peered out from the blinds.
"Can you hear what he's saying?" Raeanne pressed her ear against the window. She growled. "These stupid blind is in my way."
"Sod it then," Laura laughed, lifting the blinds. They no longer cared if Nick could see them, so they lifted the window. They saw Nick in the wide branches, nervously gripping onto whatever was nearest to him. "What are you doing?"
"Showing you that I'm really sorry!" Nick shouted. Laura shook her head. "But I love you and I always will, so I wonder if you want me still. Can you forgive me, and open your heart once again?"
"Oh," Laura and Raeanne cooed together.
"I'd do anything to make it up to you, so please understand. And open your heart once again," Nick continued to sing. "So, what do you say, Laura?"
"Duh," Raeanne whispered, nudging Laura. Laura grinned at Raeanne, then looked down at Nick.
"How do you say no to that?" she replied. "Yes!" You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 20746 ( Click here )
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