One day at school I began feeling very sick, I had a slight fever. I decided to phone my mom, but told her that I'd stay at school, because it was second to last class, when she asked if I wanted her to pick me up. When I finally did get home, I was feeling worse and after putting away all my school stuff I went to bed, since my parents said I should get some sleep. I lay in my bed for a long time and just couldn't fall asleep. All of the sudden I heard something that sounded like someone walking across my room towards me, I also thought that I could hear breathing. (I didn't have any pets or anything like that in my room)Of course, right away I thought it was my little sister (Alex) who just loves playing pranks on me, so I quietly but sternly said, "Alex, please leave me alone, I'm not feeling too good right now." The noises stopped and I felt relieved. The only thing bothering me was that the door hadn't opened at all and there was no way anyone could have come or gone out of my room. (You should know that my grandpa had died a few months before that) A few moments later the noises started again, the steps were a little slower and closer to me now. At this point of time I was getting freaked out and I sat up, turning on my bed-side lamp. As the light flooded my room, I looked around but didn't see anyone or anything that could have caused the noises. I shruged and turned the light off again and layed down. The noises started again and that's when I started getting really scared. I stopped and listened then yelled, "Alex! Alex! Can you come here please!" I heard her running down the hall towards my room as I lay there in the dark. She opened the door and stuck her head in, "Yes? What is it?" My eyes widened and I looked at her, "You weren't just in my room, were you?" I asked. The raised an eyebrow and looked at me, "What do you mean? I was watching a movie with mom and dad." I looked at her and shook my head, "Sorry for bothering you." I layed back down and she shut the door and left after saying "Get well soon, okay?" When she was gone, I lay on my bed engulfed in darkness. Then it struck me, what if it was my grandpa trying to see if I was okay? I smiled, and looked around in the darkness then quietly said, "I'm okay. Thanks for caring." I was able to go to sleep after that, and I never have heard those noises again.
Love, Jennifer How it changed my life:Well, I now know that people you love will always watch over you and they will always care. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 21605 ( Click here )
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