"So, what was up with you and Nick today?" Aaron asked Raeanne, pulling on his boxers. Raeanne pulled her hair up into a curly ponytail.
"I don't know. We're always ragging on each other," she replied, slipping into bed. Aaron ran a hand over his gelled hair, watching the dry white flakes float to the ground. "Ewwww. Gel flakes."
"Don't talk, you put gel on your hair," Aaron smiled, turning the light off. Raeanne rolled her eyes.
"Yeah, but I wash it out before I go to bed," she retorted. Aaron's face broke out into a smile. He leaned over his fiance, kissing her on the lips. "Did you drink tonight?"
"Yeah," Aaron replied, slipping underneath his sheets. "Why?"
"You're too young, Aaron," Raeanne whispered, a concerned expression playing on her lips. "And you drove home. I could've driven home, I didn't drink."
"Calm down," Aaron said. He looked at Raeanne. The moon played on her curly hair. "Honey, I only had a beer when Brian, Nick, and I went outside to shoot some hoops."
"Seriously?" Raeanne asked. Aaron nodded. "Okay."
"So, how's your album coming out?"
"Fine. We're almost done. Guess what," Raeanne smiled, biting her bottom lip. Aaron's face slowly slid into another of his beautiful smiles. "What?"
"I love it when you do that," he replied.
"Do what?"
"Bite your lip,"
"Why?" she giggled. Aaron took her hand in his. He examined the diamond on her finger.
"Because I love everything you do," he softly answered. Raeanne's eyes melted into liquid brown puddles.
"Awww," she cooed. Aaron laughed. He kissed her again. "I love you, too."
"How much?" Aaron challenged. Raeanne's eyes traveled his facial features.
"More than you'll ever know," she bit her lip again. Aaron fought the over-whelming urge to take her in his arms and kiss her again. Instead, he rubbed his hands over her arms. "So, guess what."
"What?" Aaron replied, rolling onto his back. Raeanne peered down at him.
"No, you have to guess," she commanded.
"I hate guessing," Aaron complained, rolling onto his side. Raeanne threw her arms over him. "Just tell me."
"Fine," Raeanne pouted. "Brian is going to sing a duet with me."
"What song?"
"An old Rick Springfield hit,"
"That told me a lot," Aaron chuckled. "What song?"
"Affair of the Heart,"
"Cool song,"
"Yup," the room grew silent. "Are you okay, AC?"
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Aaron asked, rolling back over to his back. Raeanne quickly took her arms off, then re-positioned them on his chest and abs.
"I don't know," Raeanne shrugged. "You're kind of fidgity and not-so-Aaron-like."
"I'm fine," Aaron said, swinging his legs out of bed. Raeanne shot him a questioning look as he looked back at her. "Really, I am."
"Where are you going?"
"To get a drink from the kitchen," he yawned. His tall figure allowed him to pat the top of the door frame as he walked through it.
"Come back!" he heard Raeanne cry. "The bed gets cold with only one body!"
"It's too big! That's why!" Aaron called. He shuffled into the kitchen, then opened the refirgerator. He glanced at it's contents. His eyes landed on a can. He pulled it out, poped the top, then let out a satisfying "ahhh". "Nothin' like a good Miller Lite before bed." You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 20746 ( Click here )
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