"Secret Santa time!" Leighanne shouted, rushing into the den. Her arms were overflowing with the bags that AJ, Amanda, Brian, Kevin, Kristin, Raeanne, Aaron, Laura, she, Howie, and Claudia had brought. Brian scooted in behind her, slipping on the rug. He skidded to a stop before he flew into the huge Christmas tree that sat in the corner.
"Smooth move, Exlax!" AJ called, raising his wine glass. His wife, Amanda, grinned.
"Okay, who is our present distributor this year?" Brian asked, dumping his bags next to Leighanne's pile.
"More importantly, who is picking our present distributor?" Leighanne inquired. She sat next to Raeanne and Laura on the couch. Raeanne didn't notice, she was whispering with Aaron, who was reclining comfortably on the floor. He was positioned inbetween Raeanne's two legs, leaning his head against the cushion.
"Oh, can I pick the picker who picks the distributor?" Kevin asked excitedly. Leighanne shrugged.
"Wait, I'm confused now," Kristin announced, trying to follow her husband's comment.
"He's picking the picker of the present distributor," Claudia tried to clearify.
"I still don't get it," Kristin frowned. Kevin tried to explain the process to his wife. Brian sat below Leighanne, next to Aaron. He popped Aaron on the arm.
"What?" Aaron asked, tearing his eyes from Raeanne.
"Nothing," Brian smiled. He had drinken a little too much Beaurduax wine. Aaron nodded, giving his friend an odd look.
"I pick Nick!" Kevin cried gleefully. Nick stopped kissing Laura briefly.
"What's going on?" he wondered. AJ and Brian exploded into a fit of giggles.
"Oh, you are SO not driving home tonight," Amanda said, stepping over AJ's feet. She walked into the kitchen.
"Whatcha doin'?" AJ called after her.
"Getting coffee!" Amanda shouted.
"But, you're already awake," Brian announced, a little confused.
"Okay, we'll I'm getting two cups of coffee," Amanda stated. Brian and AJ shrugged.
"Okay, I pick Kevin as the present distributor," Nick shot back. Kevin made a face. AJ pointed at Kevin, then cracked up.
"Haha, you're plan fackbired!" he sputtered. Raeanne burst into a fit of giggles. "What?"
"Nothing," she chuckled, folding her hands over her mouth. She turned away, then continued to giggle.
"Feeling a little tipsy, too, sweety?" Aaron asked, taking Raeanne's hands in his. He rubbed them gently. Raeanne shook her head no. "Then why are you so giggly?"
"AJ's really funny when he's drunk," she answered. AJ had dropped his sunglasses, and was busy trying to put them on. They were upside down.
"Wait until you see him past the legal limit," Kristin said dryly. AJ shot them all a dirty look.
"I am not drunk, fank you," she stated. Raeanne and Aaron shared a look.
"Whatever you say, Bone," Nick said. Kevin stood up, stretching his arms. He clapped his hands, then rubbed them together.
"Mr.Dramatic," Claudia rolled her eyes.
"Always the theatric way!" Howie added. It was Kevin's turn to roll his eyes.
"Come on, guys. I'm just trying to spice it up," he groaned.
"Here," Amanda said, walking into the room. She slapped a can into Kevin's outstretched hand. Kevin stared at the object as Amanda sat on the couch.
"What did you give him?" Raeanne asked, lacing her fingers through Aaron's. Amanda smiled mysteriously. AJ leaned toward her.
"You bad girl, what did you give him?" he smiled.
"Paprika," Kevin said. The room burst into pockets of laughter. "To spice things up." You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 20746 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .