OK here goes
a few nights ago i was lying in my bed and all of a sudden, in my head i saw lighting on a teleraph pole. The next day there was a thunderstorm at school, a huge on.
That night i was lieing in bed and i saw a man chopping up a person on a cutting board. The next day i had my specific pizza that me and my friend give each topping a name of the human body!
The night i saw the dead body thing i also saw a cresent moon and lots of stuff that look like clouds. I was wrong it was rain the next day it rained and rained and rained
i still cant figure the moon out yet.
Last night i saw a spinning coin, and a key. Any ideas about the last ones??
this is a weird power i have developed, it is kinda cool too How it changed my life:I now have ESP! You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 17310 ( Click here )
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