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| INVESTIGATIVE HAIL MARY LONG SHOT PAYS OFF | Author: 66299 Category:(Crimes) Created:(12/1/2024 9:40:00 AM) This post has been Viewed (149 times) | 11-30-2024
Mja Inc Investigations
Investigative Hail Mary Long Shot Pays Off
In 1974 I was Serving Court Documents for a local Lawyer..
I learned that some people back then running from a Felony would run to Denver Colorado…
There was a Salvation Army Homeless Shelter in downtown Denver…
The Shelter was an old High School Gym with 2 women & 2 men Bath-Houses..
There was a 150 beds & 20 private cubical’s…
This Homeless Shelter had a Work Program for those who wanted to work & you would get paid 20 dollars a day in Cash at the end of the Day & you could work 6 days a week…
If you were in the work program you were guaranteed a Bed for the night..
If you were in the Work Program you could get a Private Cubical paying the Shelter 10 dollars a week..
In the 1970’s this Shelter was listed in the UnderGround Newspapers & was known across the United States also by word of mouth..
My point being it was a Cash Business / so there was no need to show I.D.’s or ask for I.D.’s…
Back then many states didn’t even have Picture I.D.’s…
So a lot of Wanted Criminals would end up at this Shelter in Denver Colorado…
Moving forword 27 years from 1974 to 6-1-2001 Mja had a Missing Person Case of a 35 year old white female who vanished without a trace late in the year of 2000…
The Main & only Suspect was the Victims ex-Husband …
The ex-Husband was just released from Prison & was on Parole…
The night the female Victim went Missing the ex-Husband was seen by witnesses with the Victim at the Victims Home…
The ex-Husband disappeared on the same night that his ex-Wife went Missing…
A Parole Violation Warrant was issued for the ex-Husband…
A few months later the he ex-Husband was caught in California after his I.D. was ran through the NCIC during a traffic stop..
The NCIC had a BOLO out for the ex-Husband & his Vehicle..
It showed the ex-Husband was wanted for Felony Parole Violation which he was arrested & was later extradited back to his Home State..
A few months later the Parole Board reinstated the ex-Husband’s Parole…
What was keen about the the Parole Release was it took place 2 days before a Grand-Jury was going to be held to hear the Evidence that would Charge the ex-Husband in the disappearance of his ex-Wife…
The Prosecutor & no Judge stepped in to fight the Release & give the Reason that the ex-Husband was a Major Flight Risk..
The ex-Husband knew he would be indicted for the disappearance of his ex-Wife…
The ex-Husband went on the Run again a day before the Grand-Jury was to meet..
Law-Enforcement wasn’t even watching the ex-Husband ..
It became a Public Relations Nightmare for the Parole Board / the Prosecutor / Law-Enforcement & the Courts…
They let this Suspect the ex-Husband slip through their fingers twice…
The ex-Husband had been gone for a few months bringing the year to 2004…
All the leads by the Victims Family & Mja & Law-Enforcement were drying up very fast…
Mja was Lost & didn’t have another avenue to follow to move forword on the Case..
So grasping at straws just by chance I checked if the Homeless Shelter was still open in Denver Colorado…
Some 30 years later it was still operating…
I didn’t ask any other questions only if they were still open for I didn’t want to tip our hand…
I contacted the Victim’s Family about this Info of the Homeless Shelter that I had first learned about in 1974…
The Victims Family passed on this Info to Law-Enforcement for at the time Mja was getting along with the Detective a head of the Case..
So I figured that if it came from Mja it wouldn’t be checked out & it was a very Big Long Shot..
It just so happen that Law-Enforcement checked out this Info about the Shelter in Denver Colorado…
It just so happen they still had the Work Program but the policy’s had changed you had to show a Picture I.D….
So just by chance Law-Enforcement asked the Shelter if the ex-Husband was registered there at the Shelter…
Bingo the ex-Husband was living at the Shelter & was in the Work Program..
The ex-Husband had to use a Picture I.D.to be in the Work Program..
Denver Police arrested the ex-Husband when he was coming into the Shelter from work…
The ex-Husband was charged with Felony Parole Violation & charged with the disappearance of his ex-Wife …
The ex-Husband was later extradited back to his Home State..
This time the ex-Husband was held without Bond…
The ex-Husband was later convicted in the disappearance & murder of his ex-Wife even without a Body..
The ex-Husband was sentenced to 95 years…
The 35 year old white female still remains Missing..
This shows that Hail Mary Long Shot’s could pay-off….
Grasping At Straws happened to work this time !!
When your educated with this type of Info use it if all possible when it could fit the circumstances..
No matter how remote it might be in these types of circumstances its always possible / Never Give Up
Mja is Honored that we could pass on the Info that led to the ex-Husband’s capture & arrest for the last time & he was later convicted..
But at this time the 35 year old female Victim is still Missing…
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