Over 600,000 People go Missing in the United States each year..
Many Missing Children & Adults are quickly found alive & well..
However tens of thousands of People remain Missing for more than a year are what many Law-Enforcement Agencies call Cold-Cases...
Even more upsetting is when it takes 20 to 30 years in alot of Cases to find answers & to get Justice Served..
The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs) claim over 600,000 People go Missing across the 50 States of the United States each year..
Most of the Victims under 21 years old seem to be more Females Missing ..
But the Victims over 21 years old seem to be more Males Missing..
4 Missing Males
Case : 1
Terry Lee Rogers went Missing in 1973
Case : 2
Barry James Kephart went Missing In 1981
Case : 3
Reverend Richard Lawrence went Missing in 1986
Case : 4
Carl Steven Sanders went Missing in 2002
4 Missing Females
Case : 5
Jane Ellen Wakefield went Missing in 1975
Case : 6
Karen Farmer Beard went Missing in 1991
Case : 7
Heather Danyelle Teague went Missing in 1995
Case : 8
Patricia Ann Adkins went Missing in 2001
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