If the truth slapped you in the face would you be offended or welcome it home?
If you are codependent you have someone else's spirit and not your own in different words to help you understand you are dispossessed of your own soul while you have somehow acquired someone else's soul being the person you're codependent on why you cannot stop thinking about them 24 hours a day and why you cannot stop your mind from being somewhere else all the time thinking about whoever they are you're codependent upon until it almost kills you. When you have someone else's Spirit you are possessed by it there is no other way to have their spirit you cannot have someone's spirit and not be possessed by it.
If you are possessed by someone else's spirit and you don't have your own there are a few reasons for why. One. You only have a one seater Soul car meaning there is no passenger seat and your head the first sign of the zodiac Aries is an example of a one seater sports car person who cannot fit two spirits in their head some people can only fit one spirit in their head. If you can fit one spirit in your head you'll have to get out to let the spirit in that you'll now have there is also another way to take a spirit and that is if you have a passenger seat then if you have a two-seater Soul car then you can take a passenger and they would not push you out of your car or the driver's seat. Most people who are codependent either would not let someone in or could not let someone in and somehow someone got in in the case that someone gets in your soul car they may get in your passenger seat or your driver's seat I suggest if you have a two-seater Soul car you stay in the driver's seat at all times and if you let someone ride with you make sure they sit in the passenger seat warning people will try to drive your car you're soul car if you don't understand you will likely not pick up hitchhikers you would not want to take a chance they get into your driver's seat if you know just make them sit in the passenger side and if you only have one seat you can't pick up hitchhikers if you do you'll give the car to the hitchhiker you'll give your soul car to whoever you pick up and they drive off with your car you being left on the side of the road having only one seat in your cell car says you can't pick anyone up and you'll drive alone.
If you have got someone else and not yourself it may be that you have an open seat and could let yourself back in if you have two seats it should not be a problem because ifis a seat open in your car the worst that can happen is you will have to jump into your passenger seat being there driving your soul car now and then you have to try and convince them to let you have your driver's seat back since it's your soul car not theirs. Now if you cannot get back in your soul car and you have no passenger seat then you will have to carjack the person that has your car and then you will have to get back in your driver's seat and tell yourself it's perfectly legal to carjack yourself since it's you anyways warning do not carjack anyone else it is against the law and punishable by heavy penalties if someone has got into your soul car and it is a single seat you can try to convince them to let you have yourself back if they will not you will have to pull yourself back in by taking your spirit back and you may have to get really mad for that to happen for the emotion is what moves the spirit so if you end up getting very upset go up in the hills and yell at the Earth and beat on the trees and don't hurt anyone and when you get really mad you'll pull yourself back in it will take extreme anger and absolute impatience of still being dispossessed to make that happen you have to literally have a tissue fit try to have it by yourself somewhere where it is safe and you can effectively get yourself back without causing any situation or altercation with anyone else. Once you calm down and I've got your spirit back you will start to feel better already if you do not want to get emotional about the whole issue it's the same thing as saying why take myself back it's not that important. I assure you it is that important and it will take emotions to sway the spirit to move in or out sway it to move in with whatever motion it takes and do not worry about getting rid of the other person for when you come back in your spirit will displace theirs and you will no longer be codependent or dispossessed of your soul car You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 67781 ( Click here )
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