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Information Sharing part 6.

  Author: 67781  Category:(History) Created:(1/24/2021 7:22:00 PM)
This post has been Viewed (230 times)

Most people do not know how a baby is created they are not aware that there are certain rules that chromosomes must follow or life cannot happen that indeed laws are placed on the genetics itself and it has to obey these laws unequivocally or die and be no more to think that genes are subjected to laws and rules and punished accordingly so have to act accordingly is less than absurd when you start to understand that to chromosomes coming together a nuclear chromosome from the man and a mitochondrial chromosome from the woman these two chromosomes have to come together and they also have to actually couple or what they call it do a coupling these two little microscopic strands of DNA have to find each other and then coil around each other like two snakes you could watch this under a microscope axial actually and see it this ancient symbol of Greece which is been around since before Greek times is amazing and astonishing to think that it has been around that long since we have only actually seen this was a possibility since we have had powerful microscopes there is certainly a very little chance that the Greek symbol of the Healy Helix double helix had to have been understood if it could have been appreciated surely it indicates there must have been an advanced genetics long before the human race was even here the two strands of DNA have laws that they must obey one being that they have to couple and order for conception to happen and they will not be able to conceive the baby without the coupling once the coupling is done then they create a daughter cell which is a third cell which is responsible for creating the fetus and necessary it's interesting to note that the DNA in our chromosomes is a library of genetic disorders which the daughter cell is instructed to carry out and create disease all the information is already stored in the chromosomes God put it there and it is there the daughter cell however will not start making a genetic disorder or making your baby disease unless of course the two chromosomes don't follow the protocol exactly the protocol being they each have exactly half of the information to create the fetus and they must share it instruction instruction line by line while the daughter cell takes the instruction and carries out the protein synthesis or the actual creation of the baby fetus itself creation of The Flash and body parts which are absolutely done under the sharing and instruction of the two coupled chromosomes if there is a failure to share instructions or the instructions don't get pass through then the daughter cell is created and instructed to start protocol for a creation of some genetic probability and perhaps a disorder or disease daughter cell will if not receiving instruction from the to properly create an actual disease or disorder instead. So it is absolutely crucial the two strands of DNA get along and do not fight. To think that a strand of DNA would fight with another strand is not so unbelievable and you think men and women have always fought and the DNA in our body will fight to it truly will fight and so will we then to As Above So Below is the truth of truths do not under believe it. Once the fetus is created and the information sharing and the coupling the two requirements absolutely most people do not know how a baby is created they are not aware that there are certain rules that chromosomes must follow or life cannot happen that indeed laws are placed on the genetics itself and it has to obey these laws on the clinic Lee or die and be no more to think that jeans are subjective to laws and rules and punished accordingly so have to act accordingly is less than absurd when you start to understand that to chromosomes coming together a nuclear chromosome from the man and a mitochondria chromosome from the woman these two chromosomes have to come together and they also have to actually couple or what they call it do a coupling these two little microscopic strands of DNA have to find each other and then coil around each other like to snakes you could watch this under a microscope axel actually and see it this ancient symbol of grease which has been around since before Greek times is amazing and astonishing to think that it has been around that long since we have only actually seen this was a possibility since we have had powerful microscope there is certainly a very little chance that the Greek symbol of the healey helix double helix had to have been understood if it could have been appreciated Shirley it indicates there must have been in advance genetics long before the human race was even hear the to strands of DNA have laws that they must have been one being that they have two couple an order for conception to happen and they will not be able to conceive the baby without the coupling once the coupling is done then they create a daughter cell which is a third cell which is responsible for creating the fetus and necessary it's interesting to know that the DNA in our chromosomes is a library of genetic disorder switch the daughter cell is instructed to carry out and create disease all the information is already stored in the chromosomes God put it there and it is there the daughter cell however will not start making a genetic disorder or making your baby disease unless of course the two chromosomes don't follow the protocol exactly the protocol being they have exactly half of the information to create the fetus and they must share it instruction on instructions line by line while the Dollar sell takes the instruction and carries out the protein synthesis or the actual creation of the baby fetus itself creation of the flash and body parts which are absolutely done under the sharing and instruction of the two coupled chromosomes if there is a failure to share instructions or the instructions don't get passed through then the daughter cell is created and instructed to start protocol for a creation of some genetic probability and perhaps a disorder disease daughter cell will if not receiving instruction from the to properly create an actual disease or disorder and sad. So it is absolute crucial to

The law of pairs in genetics is not something made up or even observed but a protocol and a command of the god of our creation our creator no doubt programmed into the genetics certain rules and regulations on how they behave and act and carry out there existence and there is no accident that the rule of pairs is not a coincidence we have 22 pairs of chromosomes plus an extra X and Y chromosome that's from a man and woman and they are not a pair so it is not true to say we have 23 pairs we have a 22 plus a pear that's not paired and those would be not under the rule of pairing law all pairs of DNA are in pairs and DNA that is not paired will die and all pairs of DNA not only must be in pairs to survive but cannot be in more than two can I be less than 2 without absolute danger of eminent sickness or death the only way that the DNA can be healthy is exactly two and exactly one pair as two as one so the one is to not one and truly the law of genetics and the state of the health of our cellular existence has everything to do with exactly 2 no less and no more can it possibly be without thread of Doom and death and this was an intentional Act of God who had done this to guarantee that the behavior of the genetics would be bound to a certain rules of behavior characteristics these characteristics are only found in the prime number 2 in mathematics and how this first even number made of two odds leads all the prime numbers as a first last and only feminine number doing it mother giving birth to all the men members of the world truly the prime number two is the one and why the one has been removed it's only a half. The nuclear chromosome is one half of the other half which must do a coupling to conceive so that the mitochondrial strand is the other half of DNA that will have to also couple so that the one in the world is truly a two and it's a double helix made of two strands which become one strand and so the true one is to not one or 1/2 which will indeed call itself one or think it's one and it is surely not one maybe ½. The law of pear says that two only two can exist together and they must live together or die together for the rule is if one dies then the other must die and there's no exceptions to this rule it's in the genetic program and so the two must grow together and they cannot be very dissimilar they cannot grow apart if they do at the point where there noticeably different from each other catastrophe results and one of them getting sick and dying guaranteeing the other one's death as well for there cannot be only one says the Lord of hosts who has created the genetics for they no it's true there cannot be more than two either there's two or nothing choice to live or die together they can live together and get along or die together by not getting along and this will happen in genetics on all levels the ruler pear says they have to be similar alike and grow together in order to survive and they have free will to do what they want and they can choose to argue or grow apart and the law of the pair will follow up on them it's very interesting to see the creator of our genetics and in behavioral genetics the creation of the genes Behavior was programmed into those jeans by somebody and they certainly would have wanted us to be exactly a pear and not less or more and they certainly did make that the general rule for existence itself isn't that interesting the behavior of to the Prime 2.

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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .

Date: 1/24/2021 9:10:00 PM  From Authorid: 5301    

...I'm going to blame these posts for my blindness.
That's an awful lot of solid white.

Date: 1/26/2021 7:37:00 AM  ( From Author ) From Authorid: 67781    Duly noted will space the paragraphs and maybe put some punctuation in next time. Thanks

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