Hi there USMers!
Just popping in to share my excitement in finding something really special on ebay.
I generally dip into the site once in a while and wander around to see what people are selling.
There was this one auction that ended today and, with 8 seconds left to go, I bid $7.99 and won this
magnificent 1958 Sears Craftsman power tool.
You don't see many of these anymore since a lot of them were melted down to provide metals to be used in the manufacture of stealth aircraft.
This is probably one of about only 30 left in the world that aren't gathering dust on a New Jersey pawnshop shelf.
In addition to it's rarity, it also has a history. Documents included with this item are the original owner's manual and a bill of sale to one Alan W. Arkin.
Arkin bought this tool new in 1958. Living in California, he was always nervous about when "THE BIG ONE" was going to happen
and proceeded to build a ship of massive size as insurance that he could be, in part, able to save worthy actors and politicians of the time.
Arkin suffered a tremendous amount of peer ridicule and was often referred to by the nickname of "Arkin' Arkin".
Thankfully, the big quake never did happen and he has made a fine name for himself as an actor, director and screenwriter.
I will treasure this always:
Nice huh?
Now, I'm not one to hoard important artifacts like this without giving another big fan the opportunity to maybe have a memento of the great actor
so, if you're interested, send me a PM and perhaps we can work something out. I will even take payments in installments.
I had to remove the cord for safety reasons as these old metal power tools became shock hazards when the brushes wore thin.
I still have the original cord