Hey there USMers!
I must admit that I've been out of touch in a lot of ways over the last few years.
There's been no internet here (luckily for you!) and I only watch about two hours of TV per week
when my hot rod shows are on, so I do seem to be unaware of events happening in the world.
I had recently been speaking with another person here that had been pondering what the future plans
of the (please let it be true) outgoing President would be.
Now, this guy seems to have a great desire to amuse the world and, in addition, be a major television celebrity.
Who can fault him? He's a natural.
Also recently, I had heard rumours that there was going to be a remake of the classic sitcom "All In the Family"
and then later found out that this had already been done last December. Without the studio asking for my advice.
It was going to be very difficult to replace the original cast:
Left to right:
Rob Reiner as Michael "Meathead" Stivic
Jean Stapleton as Edith "Dingbat" Bunker
Carroll O'Connor as Archie Bunker
Sally Struthers as Gloria Stivic
Well, I haven't been so out of touch that I haven't seen the way things are being portrayed in "politcally correct" fashion these days
with families in commercials consisting of impossibly diverse ethnic makeups. You've seen it too.
I started wondering how this could be reflected in a cast for the remake I would have done.
Putting on my lead-lined thinking cap, I came up with this idea:
Left to right:
Chris Rock as Michael
Hillary Clinton as Edith
Donald Trump as Archie
Lucy Liu as Gloria
I though that a multiracial family would be the way to go.
Chris Rock would be an excellent foil for Archie, Hillary would be the perfect confused wife,
Donald Trump could be himself and Lucy Liu would be the loving daughter divided between the love
of her husband and her parents.
(Don't tell Archie but I think Edith might have engaged in a little extramarital hanky-panky)
Send your letters to Hollywood or call toll free. Demand that they do this!