It has been wonderful seeing the fun posts for this years contest. They really unleashed some great stories, poems and photos !!!
Voting ends at Midnight on November 18th.
Voting page is located at:
Click on the link on the home page called 'Halloween Contest' (located under the Logon button).
Vote for as many as you want. The last time that you click on the 'SUBMIT' button will be you final vote.
Halloween Categories
1. Costumes
2. Pumpkin Carving or Painting
3. Halloween Story
4. Halloween Poetry
5. Halloween Decoration and Art
There will be prizes for the winners given by Ginger :) Note that this is not a popularity contest!!
Every vote counts !!!
And did we mention ... there will be winners in each category and there will be a prize :) Ginger will have the details on this. It's top secret!!