Date: 8/4/2018 10:56:00 AM
From Authorid: 998
That is going to be rough on everyone. I can't imagine how they expect to have appropriate staff on each shift if they haven't scheduledone with each employee. Hope they fix it. Good luck.  |
Date: 8/4/2018 12:35:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 55582
Idk it seems they are always coming up with ways to mess things up at work. I mean I have my availability closed for a reason and to just go and open it without telling me or letting me know. I hope they can fix it but if the clam they can’t then idk if I’ll still be here by the end of the week  |
Date: 8/4/2018 12:36:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 55582
I mean year not week  |
Date: 8/7/2018 10:51:00 AM
From Authorid: 5940
Too bad those who come up with these ideas aren't held to the set of rules. I doubt they ever worked at store level so that lack insight and empathy.  |
Date: 8/8/2018 4:03:00 AM
From Authorid: 60395
That really stinks!! I hope they figure it out for you soon.  |
Date: 9/16/2018 8:51:00 PM
From Authorid: 19772
I swear big corporations just love to change things just for the sake of changing them, it happens all the time. I stand by the "if its not broke, why fix it?" theory, ha ha. I also have a set schedule where I work and no matter how many times I explain it to them they're always trying to get me to open up my availability. Just be firm and straight forward with your boss when explaining your limitations. Let them know this is your availability and anything outside of that is not going to work for you. Good luck!  |