This is just something I want to share. Not something I want to be interpreted. I have had some recurring nightmares. I can't really remember the last time I had the nightmares. It's been awhile since I had one but I still can remember them vividly.
One nightmare is where I go down into my basement to do laundry, get a drink in the refrigerator, look for something, etc. I would go do whatever it was I went down there to do and suddenly I would start feeling like I wasn't alone. I was feeling like I was being watched by something I couldn't see. I felt like whatever was watching me was angry and very evil. It felt like it was standing so close to me maybe even right in my face staring me down with such hatred. I felt that it wanted to do harm to me.
Even though I started to feel really scared I would finish what I was doing. I would start heading toward the stairs and I could sense that it knew I was leaving the basement and it wasn't happy with that. I would start walking up the stairs and as I would just reach the door that was standing wide open it would quickly slam shut. Sometimes I would have to push very little on the door and I would get it open and get out of the basement. Sometimes I had to struggle pretty hard with the door to get it open and get out of the basement. Most the time in the nightmare as soon as I got upstairs I would walk over into the kitchen. I would turn around to just stand and watch the door like I was expecting something to come up the steps after me. The door would stay open and never slammed shut again. This is usually when I would wake up.
Another time the nightmare lasted a little longer. After watching the door a little bit I walked over to the basement door and looked down into the basement. A suitcase full of clothes appeared at the bottom of the steps. As I stood there a little bit watching to see if I would see anything the suitcase flew open and clothing started to get thrown all over the basement by the evil entity. I ran away after seeing that into my bedroom and that's where I would wake up.
There was another dream I had similar but I was outside camping in my yard in a tent. I would be laying in my sleeping bag trying to get some sleep or something woke me up. I would feel the same thing I felt in the basement. I wasn't alone and whatever was outside my tent wasn't good at all. Just pure evil. I would lay still frozen in fear and listen to see if I could hear something outside my tent. All of a sudden something starts banging against the sides of the tent and shaking the tent like crazy. On all sides of the tent. I sat up so fast completely scared and screamed "Stop!" I actually really woke myself up screaming Stop.
I know I wouldn't be the only person who has had recurring dreams or nightmares. I know some people may say dreams or nightmares like that may have a certain meaning. For me it's just my mind making these dreams or nightmares keep happening over and over. There is no meaning to it. Just my busy mind at work. Especially after watching or reading something paranormal right before bed.
They do say The Last Things You Do Or Think About Before You Fall Asleep Can Influence What You Dream About. An article I found about it. Which is what I think is my situtation.
Please feel free to share your reccuring dreams or nighmares if you like in the comments.