So this will be the last update I say about my cousin and his family. So Saturday my dad called my cousin on his cell and he didn't answer. He sent a text saying to call him. Well he never did his wife called my dad. My dad asked when they were gonna come pick up the rest of their stuff? The wife said they were coming Sunday to pick the rest of the stuff up, so it was left at that. Today Sunday they arrived knocked on the door and I opened it the wife said good morning to me my cousin I said good morning to. They entered the kitchen where my mom was And said to her and walked straight to the room that they were staying in. The wife stayed in the room and my coins was taking out suitcases and bags to the car. My mom said to my cousin she was sorry if anything she said came off wrong and made him mad, my cousin didn't say anything and just walked away. Then my mom went to her room probably to talk on the phone. I stayed sitting on the sofa watching tv and watching my cousin as he came in and out of the living room door with bags and clothes and things. So this is what they do they move someplace they get mad at someone over a stupid thing and move. Anyway they ended up leaving and we thought everything of theirs was out of the room. Nope I looked and they left a few things and most of their daughter things. As of now we have no idea if they are coming back to get what they left or if that's was it.
So looks like this might not be the last update You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 55582 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .