A lot has happened since my last post. Where to start? Well I guess I will start with the latest. So my cousin, his wife and 8 year old daughter where living with us for not even 2 months. My cousin has had 3 jobs since moving in. Every time he gets a job he finds something wrong with them and quits. So when he quit his 2nd job he had since moving in with us, my mom told him something and I guess he got mad. Him and his family have been gone since Friday and haven't been back. The only time we've seen any of them was over the weekend when the wife came to get their clothes. Then on Monday my cousin called and said they were gonna leave our place. All this over what my mom told my cousin and his wife. What she said wasn't to get mad at, at all. My cousin is the type to not let anyone tell him what to do. Anyway my cousin when he called said they would be back in a few days to pick up the rest of their stuff he also said they would think about if they really leave or stay after all. Well since that phone call they have made no attempt to call or come get their stuff. Well yesterday we found out my cousin was rushed to the hospital (he clams chest pains) and the wife called everyone else but never called us. We had to find out from my aunt (my cousin's mom). How ever it turned out to be nothing. We think it was all a trick to get out of having to start job number 3 which he was suppose to start on Monday.
Well when we offered for them to move in my cousin's wife told us he doesn't drink because he takes pills. Well since living with us he's been drunk and had a hangover like 4 times (still his wife said he didn't drink). So as of now their stuff is still at the house and they are living with the wife sister. But they won't last there every time they move with her something happens and they end up moving. They are both in their 50s and everyone has been used by them. My cousin's own sisters won't talk to him because he can't keep a job, he drinks and slaps the wife around and lies (yet my cousin's wife stick up for him and lies for him). My cousin has a son that don't talk to him because of the stuff he's pulled.
So anyone know how long can we keep their stuff at the house until we can legally get rid of it? You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 55582 ( Click here )
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