Date: 10/22/2016 8:16:00 AM
From Authorid: 54444
I hope they are okay  |
Date: 10/22/2016 9:33:00 AM
From Authorid: 31765
Wow. They're grown. Just because they live there doesn't mean you own them. I would totally resent someone acting like I'm required to report my every move.  |
Date: 10/22/2016 9:45:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 55582
Still it would be nice to let us know I mean invade we had to go someplace idk if they have a key  |
Date: 10/22/2016 10:18:00 AM
From Authorid: 22721
I think you need to discuss some rules. You are letting them stay with you, so they might think they can do as they please. So discuss some rules.  |
Date: 10/22/2016 11:27:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 55582
I could care less about my cousin and his wife at this point. I'm more concerned about their 8 year old daughter. If anything happened where is she gonna go? Her parents are not getting along well with the family. And I've just figured it out they have been gone for a total of 27hrs.  |
Date: 10/22/2016 4:20:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 55582
So my cousin and his family returned just now it's 4 0 and they entered the house like if nothing.  |
Date: 10/22/2016 8:12:00 PM
From Authorid: 22721
Those irresponsible...
Something is going on, you need to have an adult discussion with those people.  |
Date: 10/24/2016 2:29:00 PM
From Authorid: 42945
I think a big hullabulloo is being made out of nothing to be honest Felix, I mean they are an adult family with a child and though living in your house doesn't mean that they have to account for all that they do when they go out. If your mum cooks for everyone I could understand it and a little notice would be nice and manners to do so but if not, let them live their own lives...If they don't have a key, give them one so they can live a bit more independently, after all they are not children...just my opinion dear but if I had relatives living with us that is how I would approach it..  |
Date: 10/25/2016 10:56:00 PM
From Authorid: 23731
If they are living in your house they should have rules and stick to them. Doesn't matter how old they are they are still guests.  |
Date: 10/26/2016 12:26:00 AM
From Authorid: 60395
While I agree that they are adults, if someone is staying with me I'm definitely more comfortable knows when people are coming in, leaving, going out. I'm a nervous person so it helps in case I hear someone coming in at 2am or know if I should call someone in case of an emergency. A little common courtesy can go a long way.  |