Date: 5/31/2016 10:23:00 PM
From Authorid: 42945
Yes it is sad Felix but she is 24yrs old, not a little child and at the age she is now, she is the one who has to make the decisions for her life and can only maybe offer support in being her friend..not a lot you can do if she is not willing to discuss it with's sad though that her mother condones what the partner does regarding drugs etc..seems like your cousin should plan on trying to get away from them, get a job if she can and save some money...  |
Date: 6/1/2016 7:22:00 AM
From Authorid: 22721
If she dosent want help, you can't do anything. But maybe call the police if you have evidence he's doing drugs.  |
Date: 6/1/2016 9:16:00 AM
From Authorid: 31765
I completely agree with Zema.  |
Date: 6/1/2016 6:08:00 PM
From Authorid: 48250
Just continue to keep the avenues, the channels open so to speak-------you are there for her if she needs you, you are a good cousin & I'm sure she knows that, maybe she feels like it would be a bother, but if you all have always been close, I'm sure she'll tell you what's happening when she's ready, how sad that her dad has so many problems he can't even care for himself much less his wife & daughter, hopefully he will see that he has a very serious problem & he'll get help, let us know how the situation is going, I'll be remembering your cousin, family in Prayer, it's easy I guess to point a finger or to criticize someone in this situation, they are not only hurting themselves but those who love them, too, but sometimes our love for them is their last hope, let's Pray he gets the help he needs & becomes the father and husband they deserve, I'll be thinking of you & your Cousin, family~---------T/C  |
Date: 6/2/2016 1:41:00 PM
From Authorid: 62927
This is good advice above. Going through something similar and have tried everything... My next option is to just let go.  |
Date: 6/5/2016 12:54:00 AM
From Authorid: 62722
To some people, their grief, their hurt and their problems are very private, and it seems to me that the only way to help, is to kinda put your love for them on "stand-by" in case they ever ask for your help, other than that, not much you can do, specially if they are mindless of your concern. Care but do not hang your heart out to be damaged. wolfie  |