Shakespeare, once said all the world is a stage, we are like the players acting out their roles strutting and fretting upon the stage. when the lights go out and the curtain falls, they are nevermore seen again. We often cast a gaze skyward to see the planets, stars ,and our constant nightly friend the Moon in her orbit through the night. Would one contemplate they are celestial performer acting their roles with the dark matter of space. Fortunate for life there is no dark curtain to darkly eclipse the night sky. There are black holes that a performing star has its bow and is seen nevermore this to is illusion the matter that was a star changed its state and frequency and thus recycled. The night is a traveling troop of performers with the illusion of the Earths spin. The beings activity on the surface ponder the sun, clouds, sway of a tree in the wind, and a passing being near by. How like a star in space we too disappear into a black hole in the ground. Are the souls of humanities spirit just a frequency change in another form to another time and place? You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 26598 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .