Would you want to become a Mermaid?
I'm going to write down some pros and cons of becoming a mermaid. If you think of some, please feel free to write down below in the replies area.
- you would be able to live freely in the ocean, traveling to almost any place in the world
-you would become faster underwater, escaping ememy boats
- you wouldn't have to eat anything, since mermaids are able to breathe through water
-no more trips to the bathroom
-have the ablity to control water, waves, tides, etc.
-lure ememy sailors to their doom
-save good sailors from their doom
-have an awesome singing voice
-exploring sunken ships for treasure (that would be first on my list of THINGS TO DO WHILE A MERMAID)
-skin complextion becomes softer, smoother, no scars or bruses
-tail would be mood changing, so if you were angry it would turn a deadly shade of black
-hair would be long, texture depending on what you had as a human
-eyes would be a light, sea foam green-blue to lure ememies >:)
-even with your powers, you could be trapped by sailors that wanna make a million dollars off of you.
-you wouldn't be able to see your family unless they knew your secret, but even then you would have to really trust them
-you might be a little lonely, even with all the sea creatures, mermaids are pretty rare unless a friend turned with you
- you wouldn't be able to drown yourself, as mermaids live an eternal life, and you would probably lose it
-you could lay on the sand, but you can't go all the way out of the water for long, otherwise your tail would get dry, resulting in your imitiete death
-while you can talk to humans and fall in love, you yourself couldn't turn into human, therefore having to turn your lover into a merman/mermaid, but they would have to give consent to become one, if not, then you would have to kill them, wheather you want to or not to protect the secret
-deep sea divers would be able to see you a mile away,even though you would be able to detect them, if they got a video of you, there would be many unwanted visitors in the area trying to capture you
-if cuaght, you wouldn't be able to grant wishes to help you in your pathetic escape
Thank You,
Winter Ice