Dear Diary,
I know that it has been a very very long time since I wrote in here but I have been busy plus I lost you for awhile.
Now the busy part, I still have Dessie and Morgan that I have to take care of but mom brought home Molly (she is almost as big as Mom) because someone put her out behind the pizza shop and they was going to take her to the shelter, Mom said she was to sweet of a dog to put down so she came home. Next was Mick. Mom was out behind the pizza shop when she thought she saw a fox in the tall grass. But noooo, it was a little brown dog with big ears. Can you guess what happen next? THAT RIGHT, Mom came home with him. So hope no one puts a horse out behind the pizza shop.
Now back to me, the main pup in this house. I always get to go with Mom when she goes to Captain D’s for fish and I always get in the window so they can see me and give me a treat. Well tonight we went and the girl acted like she did not see me. No treat. So, after mom goes to bed, I am going to put on my ninja suit and go kick their door. I’ll teach them who they are messing with. I may be little but I have the heart of a Great Dane.
Got to go and run Mick out of my dog bed again. Will he never learn!
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .