Don't Want to Be the Treat!
Monsters and Goblins with Witches too Candy and treats with Witches Brew Short ones, medium ones, and even tall Halloween spooks in sizes all Cloudy skies with moon peeking bright, Just the night for a good Halloween fright Some holding hands with bags at the ready Patiently waiting and fiercely steady “We’re not cute , don’t you think we’re scarey? Look in the back there’s a Zombie named Harry Tricks or treat give it up for us now, Wait a minute is that a Chik Filet Cow? Mom’s coaxing children, Teens on the run, Bowl’s getting empty in Halloween fun Dog’s in the house barking his cry Try to explain it to him or don’t even try Seven becomes eight, eight becomes nine Time starts to slow between the treater’s line Nine becomes 10 and soon that’s the end One last group with the candy to tend Wait a minute, who can this be Growling and snarling coming at me? Vampires and Werewolves with Zombies too? Hey!!! Ouch!!! These are not kids .....they are starting to chew!!!! I am sorry for the pleasure that we should meet, Now kindly let go ....ouch....I DON'T WANT TO BE the TREAT!!!!!!
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .