I sit here day by day in this chair that is my prison,
This chair that has me locked down in place,
I look at my legs, and will them to work they way they used to,
I look at my arms, and wish for the pain to go away,
I look in the mirror, 36 is to young for all this age to show,
This chair ages me, it confines me, it is my jailer, my judge,
I sit here and I watch the neighbors run with their dogs, play with their kids,
I listen to my friends speak of their love making and their pleasure,
And as sit in my prison, my chair, This chair that holds me down in place,
I cry and wish for all I have lost, for all I can no longer do, for the love I no longer feel,
I long to able to be touched again without pain,
I scream at God to free me from this prison he has placed me in, I scream until my throat is raw,
I cry until my eyes run dry,
I sit here day by day in this chair that is my prison. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 56396 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .