Glow Heading For the End
Autumn sky and the moon big and bright, Stars crystal clear are blinking in the night, Sitting on a rock and taking it all in, Campfire in a glow is heading for the end, Forest quiet and still not a sound to hear, Cares of the world quietly disappear, It’s just me and you not wanting to be found, In nature’s world without a disturbing sound, Sipping a cup of hot sleepy time tea, I am looking at you and you looking at me, The beauty of the trail measured in not how long, Time was not a factor and all time was gone, This is not an awkward moment to be fixed, Pleasure is the ingredient in this natural mix, The air is cool, your eyes are shining bright, Skin upon your face lit by the full moon night, Campfire in a glow is heading for the end, We don’t need a reason to breathe it all in, To readers of these words, what holds you back? Learn the value of just shouldering a pack, Re-create yourself and find your Autumn sky, Time is not a factor, you just need give it a try,
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