Hello everyone :0)
I hope everyone is doing well today. I recently went to my local bookstore and picked up an awesome book about Reiki, "Hands of Light" and it has brought a lot of information to me that I haven't learned before. I have been studying psychic abilities for a long time and this book really opened up a lot of new information for me, so if you have a chance, pick it up if you are interested!
I am writing this post because last year I atteneded a psychic class and met some very interesting and accepting people. I really enjoyed the class, I think I might go back this summer, and there was one woman there that seemed drawn to me. We did a past life regression during that class and we all talked, my dad went with me because he is deeply interested in the spiritual and psychic realms. I found out she was a reader and had been for over 30 years. She told me when I was there that I was a "walk-in" of myself and that I was highly clairvoyant.
I did not know what a "walk-in" was so I looked it up:
"This is where two individual souls have agreed to switch places. The first soul has gone as far as it can in its development and is ready to move on. The soul that has taken its place will serve in a different capacity than before. Normally, permission has been granted in order for this to take place. Another way to call the experience is soul transference." (greatdreams.com/walkin.htm)
"The other soul continues on its journey, either to be together with a loved one or be sent to another place to continue learning. They will at this point in time not be back here. When the individuated, embodied part of Spirit, the Soul, has completed what it set out to accomplish in alifetime, it has three basic options: take on a new life goal (Reincarnation-in-Same-Body), die, or walk out. If the Soul chooses to walk out, an agreement is made with another Soul to walk-in and continue the embodiment. This is not possession. It is not a requirement that a person be a walk-in to ascend. It is simply an individual agreement and another way of entering onto the planet. The walk-in experience is so very individual that it’s difficult to give a definitive description. Here is an overview of possible experiences.
Usually, there is a "try-on" period of a few days or weeks or months when the new soul tries on the body before the actual transfer. The personality may or may not be aware as it often occurs while sleeping, meditating or channeling. There may be a feeling of someone hanging around or loss of time. The new Soul is getting the feel of the body. Remember, some beings coming in have never been in physical bodies and may need to get the feel of being so densified. The new Soul is also reviewing the DNA encodements and the existing energy patterns stored in all of the bodies and deciding what to keep or release.
Sometimes, right before a walk-in, the personality may feel a sense of completion with the lifetime.
The personality may or may not be conscious during the actual walk-in. If unconscious, the transfer often occurs during a deep trance or sleep state." (in5d.com)
"They are high-minded entities permitted to take over the bodies of human beings who wish to depart this life. Their mission is to lead us into an astonishing new age. They are Walk-ins, and there are tens of thousands of them on this planet." (greatdreams.com/walkin.htm)
What is extremely interesting about all this is, at the time, I was about 10 or 11 years old and I had what I thought was a NDE and was given the choice to stay with my mom (she passed away when I was 10) or go back. I originally said I wanted to stay with her, but then I seen my dad and little brother and decided to come back. Perhaps that is when there was a soul transfer?
Now I know this sounds quite incredible and I am not saying I believe it 100%, but it is very interesting to me. I looked up traits and experiences and mine are very similar. I wanted to share with everyone and see if anyone has ever heard of a "walk-in" or has experience in being one or knowing one? Also, you can read my NDE, I have posted it here on USM. Thank you for taking the time to read and I look forward to your comments! :0)
xox Zelana