Jonnny lee stood dumbfound .His mouth was wide open, but nothing came out. "You dun bought what??..... B. I... fooot?"..... You gone crazy, Jim Bob"Johnny lee croaked. "You remember that carnival, that came into town, when we were kids?.... "Oh, yeah,we used to skip school, around holloween and go look at everything,yeah, fun times"... Johnny replied.
"Well,Jim Bob tapped the freezer box."Remember that frozen bigfoot?, the one we paid fifty cents, to see? "You didn't? Johnny lee replied. "Your looking at the owner of a frozen piece of unsolved mysteries, in search of, x files genuine artifact" You gone bat ..... crazy .... you ..... need ...... a ...... girlfriend ......or
"Alright, alright, you big sorry, hen pecked, sings bad to the bone, out of tune ..... sorry..... "You ain't git no imagination, that's all, Jim Bob pouted. "Oh, I got plenty of imagination,pal of mine, I see a day in the near future....finding mail piled up to your door, and your mummified body, buried under copies of babes illustrated.....Johnny lee smirked.
"Hey, Sarah left me, remember?..... I got me a hunch she left Andre the rat behind, to kill big jerk" Johnny lee sighed."Ok.Ok...... at least you have the house,some are left with nothing, poor smucks"Johnny replied. "You wanna see my piece of I forgot that fancy word,Art bell used to use it" "The words cryptozoology.....Johnny lee replied.
Smarty pants",I didn't know you could even read".... said Jim Bob. "Oh I read, numb nuts, obituaries, horoscopes, Anne landers,sports, farmers almanac "Farmers almanac,is that old thing still going?..... Jim Bob laughed. Jim Bob opened the freezer.Johnny lee peered in.
In a block of frozen ice,taking up the whole length of the inside was a frozen creature. It was hairy, black and brown hair, it seemed to be smiling,it eyes were closed. "Uhhhh... that things creepy, what's that smell?, smells like bad meat" Jim Bob, looked cross.
"It has no smell, maybe its you, try using shower to shower"..... Jim Bob replied. "I'm telling you, there is a raw meat smell,worse than raw meat"... Johnny lee covered his nose. "Boy... your a mamsey pampsey, I better start calling you, Nancy, You big, Nancy".... I'm telling you, you've got your own waliking dead, thing going on here"
Jim Bob guffawed. "What I got me is a mystery, wrapped in a block of ice...and when I get bored, I might crack it open" "You gotta get out more, maybe you could do dial a date, I'll see if Connive can find a....... "Git, out! ".... you ruining my special moment..... you got sense of wonder!!!!! Johnny lee smirked then hightailed it up the basement stairs.
Jim Bob was fuming. I dare he. Just cause he has a wife, kids, cemetary plot,net -flix He thinks he knows everything.I 'll show him.My bigfoot might be real. I'll be famous one day.Jim Bob. Esquire.Explorer. Women will adore me.... One of the Bigfoots eyes, seemed to blink open.
To be continued.jughead67. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 66268 ( Click here )
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