Hi all
I have been haunted for years with all the Bush did this, Bush did that, now I think some of the evidence that I have seen is most remarkable but, but like the police man that ready has a suspect that he believes did it gets tunnel vision. What people have forgotten is how would the Government ever get in to do the work drilling, planting explosives on every floor, no way I don't buy into that unless it was a part of the Government that everyone has turned away from.
My thoughts on this are as followed of the two parties in power who controls the unions or has there support, the WTC was a union building meaning the cleaners, security, maintenance and others would have had to look the other way or at least be told to work in other areas, far from where the work (drilling) would have been taking place. Empty floors would have most likely stored equipment and explosives, security would have been told to avoid these floors, unions would never have allowed this to take place unless they had a common mission that would be to get rid of Bush and the republicans once and for all, and with the all the demonstrations last real organized by the unions with the endorsement of Obama makes you think just how much power do they really have and was this pay back for there help.
So what we have here is blame bush take the focus off the left, Clinton could have killed Osama on at least two occasions but for what ever reason he did not take him out, but his first words when he heard of the planes flying into the WTC was this was Osama Bin Ladin people always say Bush reacted funny about this, myself I think the left reacted without shock or surprise playing it all to cool. The left is always looking for or creating a crisis to exploit and from what I see they care very little about the country or the people just there agenda and will stop at well nothing yet
So here we have it all the stuff out there floating around only labeled Bush, Chaney, Rumsfeld, could very well have been spun another way,but people chose not to, remember Obama was in the wings waiting, A muslim suppose to have converted to Christianity but goes to a Marxist church, has ties to bill ayres, farakahn and is a union boy, Clinton and Reno had set the stage for the housing crisis ( CRA ), Clinton was in power at the time this would have been planned and it would have taken Bush years to but this together, but the unions that I believe would have been needed that takes Bush out of the game.
But the real kicker here is the left wing media this is all to pretty, Obama is in waiting this guy is a walking disaster, Four Americans DEAD at the hands of a group of terrorists, a stand down order coming from the whiten house most likely, does the main street media cover this no way, you have Brian Terry dead border patrol man and hundreds of dead Mexicans, dead at the hands of a fast and furious assault weapons sold to the Mexican drug lords by the Obama Admin, did the media cover this No way. Billions of $$$$$$ gone to Democrat friendly green companies democratic bundlers, that go belly up with in a short time span, did the left wing media investigate any of this or get there talking points from fox No, No Way So you have the deck stack against Bush and his admin while the focus was off the left Just a twist, just a thought but had the media done there jobs then and now treated both sides the same impartial why people have not asked who why is scary, but when you have a consulate over run with classified, top secret materials and you chose stand down over go kick butt allowing the haters of the USA to collect intelligence and the media lets you off the hook, had this been bush all hell would have been let loose from the Media, but then again Bush was a leader he would have kicked butt.
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