:note:those george and kiki visit are usmers whoes posts' i've read. i've seen many who usm truley impacted for the better:
somewhere in usm heaven: "who doen't have their wings yet?. " said angel one "everyone needs to be guided. but, their all out guiding someone" said angel two. a cat crawled in "i'll do it meow. i'ed love to recieve my crown" said kiki. "oh yeah i forgot. we're trying something kind of new some animals want to become deities similar to ancient egypt. so, really it's not that new when you think about it" said angel two. "angelic deities. sounds good ok kiki. pay attention-" started angel one "can i eat on the trip?" asked kiki "yes...now-" started angel one
"what if someone confuses me for a pet?" asked kiki " i'm trying to explain everything-" "OH MY GOSH WHAT IF-" "KIKI will you please perk your ears up and listen" said angel one
"meow" said kiki."okay, by the way you also have the ability to become human of course. now, watch the screen" angel one pointed to a big tv-computer screen "this is unsolvedmysteries. com" "like the show?. i remember onetime on earth my pet owner was watching it on tv once" "yes, but only the name is simiular" [3 hours later because they had alot of posts to discuss, ect]
"ooooh so, they call it usm. i like usm. the site's meowtastic" said kiki. "now, this is george. he owns the site plus i'm sensing some computer software company as well" said the angel "is his last name bailey?". asked kiki grinning
"no it's...wait now i see what you did.on usm his screenname is radman...." said the angel, and went on explaining things. meanwhile on earth: radman was reading "troll posts" that have been deleted that were non-g-rated "they take advantage of our kindness" said george "who does?" asked ginger "those non-g-rated trollrs'. seriously we allow free membership, and this happens" he said
"at least the admins' take care of it" said ginger "but, the point is the trolls are stressing everyone out, and don't care. i'm starting to wonder why i created this site" said george "let's not forget everyone we've impacted, the friends we've met along the way" said ginger "but, some friendships turned out fake. i'm done" said george getting up, and walking out
"oh goodness. please get him to see he shouldn't shut down the site." said ginger. meanwhile outside george sat on a bench at a park he needed to be alone to calm down. stress was causing anger. a star glistened "i wish i never started usm" said george the star flew, and a cat landed on the ground. "how did you get here?" asked george
"i flew in from heaven meow" said kiki. "a talking cat?...waw i must really be stressed out" said gorge. "i'm here to grant your wish radman" said kiki "how did you know my usm name?" asked kiki. "i know your real name is george, and you own renasoft software company, and you also run usm with your wife" said kiki.
"but how did-" "your wish is granted" said kiki. "what wish? i've had several wishes growing up?" asked george "usm was never created" said kiki. "ok...now your just playing" said george "no, have a look" saidkiki. the two go to georges house ginger was online."you on usm?" asked george "u.s.what? oooh a cat" said ginger she patted kiki. kiki purred "so cute." said ginger "i'm the only animal lover in the family" she added "no your not there are many you've met" sad george
"long day huh?" asked ginger kiki pretended to cough up a hairball but, was actually laughing. george got online to unsolvedmysteries.com, then myusm.com...nothing. it didn't exsist" "did you take the site down" asked george "no. renasoft.com still sells software. don't worry we're still making money. how was your day at the store?" asked ginger "see? your wish was granted we have places to visit"said kiki telepathically.
"greatr a telepathic cat i must REALLY be stressed out, and dreaming" thought george. "there are many places we're going to get to fly off to" explained kiki. she turned into human form "so, i'll use this form" "ok...i've gone off the deep end" said george
"no...but some have" they flew off to their first destination. a girl was digging through the dumpster. "that girl digging through the trash was one of your usmers...since usm dont exsist she never got the money she needed for food. so, she ended up on the streets, and became a street kid as some call it" said kiki
"but didn't she have her family?" asked george "usm WAS her family" said kiki. "phantom crow? "asked george "scooore!!!" said the girl finding thrownout left over, and ate it like there was no tomorrow "ew" said george "our next visit is someone you may no longer like" said kiki
"i like everyone" said george "even non g-rated trolls?" asked kiki. they appear at an institution "the psych ward? why are...oh gosh i think i know who we're visiting" said george. they go in to see a girl in a padded room. "emi?...i knew she'ed end up here" said george
"no...you thought...but because usm don't exsist dreamerpoet, and corky never met her so, they never helped her realize life was worth living., and people did care. . she tried many times to commit suicide. so, she became self-destructive, and destructive towards others. she may've become bitter in your timeline
but, in her heart she knew she had friends somewhere...but, in this reality she's dead inside...without usm she truley has noone" said kiki. "but she became bitter" said george "speaking of bitter come on" said kiki they arrive at their next destination.
a girl was sitting drinking asomething from the bottle, kids making noise in the house "IF ONE OF YOU GET HURT DON'T COME CRYING TO ME I TOLD YOU GUYS TO KNOCK IT OFF! gosh i can't wait till they go to college" the girl said turning up the tv. "spacecase? but, she loves her kids, plus she makes music. " said george
"no, without usm she never realized there were still good people in the world., and she lost faith in herself so she gave up on music altogether...usm impacted alot of people radman. everyone has touched everyones lives. thats why usm is called a family site. your site touched everyones lives" said kiki.
"but i thought my site ruined lives. there were many arguements, mean people, trolls, rudness, you name it." said george. they appear outside." where are we now?" asked george kiki gave george a newspaoer. "wait...many homeless people die in cold weather? low tempreters. but this happens all the time" said george "wasn't there someone who could give them warm blankets?, wasn't there someone who cared enough more about others than herself?" asked kiki
"oh...my...gosh" said george "because usm was never created moon girl never met you...that onetime you and her were discussing how cold it was, and homeless people. you gave her the idea to send them blankets, and stuff so they would be warm for the holidays. she was also someone who touched many lives" explained kiki.
"wait...without usm does she still help others?" asked george "yes...but, she's really anonymous. without usm she never broke out of her shyness...she never tried to make friends...but she had hope for peace on earth just like in your reality" explained kiki. a bell rang. "oh look. everytime a bell rings an angel cat gets it's crown" said kiki
"are we done?" asked george "no." said kiki. they were at a house with a girl ranting over the phone in what sounds like an asian language "whats she saying?" asked george "she's saying she's moving to the phillipines because america has to much fat food, and the rest is non g-rated" said kiki
"punk star chik? but, ...hey she's not fat" said george. although the girl appeared obese "i thought she had a diet" said george. "without usm she never met moon girl who helped her realize she wasn't fat. she was beautiful inside, and out. in this reality she never dieted, she never believed in herself. nor others for that matter. she became depressed, and turned to stress eating"
said kiki. they visited more people, and some usmers were alot worse off because without usm no rad girls, no get-togethers, no lasting friendships. "so, see? admins, chatmins, members, everyone on YOUR site changed eachothers lives.usm even changed your life" said kiki "how?" asked george "without usm you become more stressed out, and bitter, ginger became really lonely but, you two do have a strong relationship
because eachother is all you have without usm" said kiki. "thats so sad. usm was the reason we became the loving peaceful couple everyone loved" said george kiki smiled "wait what about the trolls?, and the people who went behinde our backs, and made usm look like a bad place?" asked george
"they would still do that without usm. only some become even more violent. without usm they may not've shown it but, deep down in their cold hears was a spark of light that usm ignited. but their insecurities, and anger wouldn't allow it to grow" explained kiki
"wait...that sounds like something i would say" said george. "you did...anger does destroy it's host. anger turns to hate, hate turns to destruction. usm ignited the fire of passion. your posts helped many see that" said kiki. "so, usm touched many lives?" asked george "no...usmers'...the members of your site touched eachothers lives. usm just braught everyone together." said kiki
"waw...my site's like a miracle worker" said george "no it's a universe that braught millions of stars together, and somewhere down the line made one big shining star. " said kiki. "i change my mind. i don't wish i never created usm" said george "by the way there's an admin on the site named kiki" he added
"your wish is removed" said kiki. the next day george gets on usm "hey? i thought you said you were done with usm" said ginger smiling "no way. we must continue this wonderful site. theres still good out there...we just got to stop taking eachother for granted" said george "true. okay, did you get high last night?" asked ginger "no...i just realized
without usm life would be a nightmare for many of the members, and well, without the love the site brings...many wouldn't know what love was" said george. +DING+ "i'm baking cookies" said ginger she goes in the kitchen
the timer bell goes off on usm was a post in the mysterious section by kiki talking about a strange crown that she found when she woke up. george commented "everytime a bell rings an angel cat gets its crown...by the way do happen to do work on the astral plane?" . meanwhile kiki smiled and winked at the comment "a goddess never reveals her secret" thought kiki
the end