hi -hugs-. i'm planning on doing a usm story in the form of 2 famous christmas movies [a christmas carol, and its a wonderful life]. since it has never been done in the history of usm.i'm not sure who the usm scrooge can be. and i was thinking of radman being the main character of "its a wonderful site" seeing how life would be if usm had never exsisted [his name is george after all LOL].
anyone have other ideas, wich story do you want to play in?, now the idea for "its a wonderful site"-is when radman gets stressed out, and fed up with trolls on usm he wonders if usm was even worth creating, and you know the rest., "a usm carol" i sense that i'm the biggest usm scrooge here sooo, guess i get that character lol. wonder what my innerself has in store.
can't wait to let my imagination soar.also should i do 2 stories in one looong post, or is it better to do 2 diffrent posts' for these stories?.