Hello USM! Yes I know it's been a long while since I was here. It's been a nightmare for me here with my so called family. We were having major problems with the TEENAGE daughters. It started with the younger one cause she went through puberty first. She was pure evil. I know its not nice to say but that is just what she was. She would get mad cause the wrong thing was said to her, or tell her to do her chores, anything she didn't like. Then she would start throwing things from her room at the walls, windows, me...just anywhere. Sometimes break windows or whatever. Once she threw a glass perfume bottle at me and hit me in the head. She would destroy her room or go outside and throw rocks at the house. We had to call the Sherrif many times. He just lives 4 blocks away. Or one of his deputies would show up. She got so bad that one night after supper I was putting the bread away on one side of the kitchen and out of the corner of my eye I saw her put her arm in the air holding my big butcher knife aiming right at my back. I quickly backed away from her and yelled to her dad. He came and took the knife from her ,while I called the sherrif again. I had enough crap from her so we had her put in a mental hospital. After that she went to stay at her grandma's but then her grandma got afraid of her so she went to a foster home. She was there for like 6 months and lost huge amount of weight. We found out this foster home wasn't a good one. They didn't feed the girls much that they had there. Morgan lost so much weight she only weighed 84 pounds when she should had been over 125. She looked so bad. Well a few months later she tried to poison her foster family and tried to stab one of the other girls. She got sent back to the mental hospital then on to a facility for kids with issues. She then tried to poison a couple people there. So back to the hospital again. Then back to the facility again for about 8 months. Then placed in a differant foster home. One day she got angry, she took some bricks and broke a huge window in the front of the house and the ladies car. DHS placed her in juvy jail for awhile. Then a friend of ours took her in and just a month ago she got angry again and broke windows there also. Now she is in a state facility till she is 18. She can't ever come home or go on visits.
Well in the mean time her older sister started going threw pubity also and then started acting out. Then one day over Easter vacation her mother came back from Mexico and put crap in Shae's head. Her mom told her that she didn't need to take her meds anymore and to start being mean to me to get a fight going to break her dad and I. Well the kids' mother had been trying that for years but it won't work. Yes it has been putting a huge strain on our relationship. I've asked him to leave me a few times. He's said he would leave when he was drunk. But we still love each other and we are NOT letting this woman destroy us. Shae's behavior got so awful. Her lies and stealing got so bad that we would call her on it plus we put a lock on our bedroom door so she couldn't steal anymore stuff from us. Once she stole a hundred dollar bill off her dad's dresser. She found his hiding spot. She would steal makeup, jewelery, whatever she wanted of ours. We took most of her priveleges away. Phones were put in our room, she couldn't watch tv, got the internet taken away and her tv and dvd player. One night I was making supper and had my phone charging were I could see it. BUT, she snuck it out of the house and smashed it out in the street. Man I was upset. Rod had my daughter come get her for awhile to see if she could do something with her. Well that didn't work either. She wouldn't listen to Heidi either plus she was sneaking home her school computer and video chatting with some guy over 20 while taking a shower! OMG, she was doing things we didn't even know. Rod brought her back home after a week and he was catching her sneaking her computer home also. The school started checking her before she left the building so she couodn't do that again. One night she went to our friends house while he was gone and broke into his house and stole his computer. Rod found it the next night and we made her take it back to him. He was MAD and got after her. He told her if she would ever do something like that again he would turn her in. Well she stopped stealing it from him but would ask him for it and wouldn't bring it back. I had to take it back to him. After about the 5th time I told him not to let her have it anymore. I told him what she was doing on the internet and he was shocked. So then she got so angry she started leaving school without promission, ran away from home 4 times, was not allowed to leave the property but did anyways and wouldn't come home till way late, so her dad had to go look for her, that she would get so angry she O.D. twice that I had to call 911, and one night she wouldn't come home at all so her dad called the sherrif to come take her to juvy jail and they did. But she wasn't there very long and was placed in a foster home which she isn't learning a thing. She still has an atitude from (bleep). I told her dad she was not coming back till they put her back on medication. I can not deal with her Bipolar Butt. She calls me nasty names and has threaten to stab me and her dad. NOPE she is not allowed here. We have a meeting with DHS next week and that woman is getting a piece of my mind once and for all. She knocks me down with her mean words and this time my words are coming out. I am stressed and depressed to the max! These teens have torchered me enough that now I have health issues.
A month ago I almost died for the second time. I had almost died a year ago from staph infection and now I have many blood clots in my legs. One afternoon my left leg started hurting and by that night it was swollen. The next day I went to see my doctor and he thought i tore a muscle in my hip and groin area. By sunday it was so swollen it felt like my whole leg was going to split wide open. Rod called our doctor on his cell phone and he said to come in at 8 the next day for an ultra sound, so i did and that's when he said i had a huge blood clot in my thigh. I had to make a be line for Mason City Hospital so they could poke and prode me to get the blood clot out. I was in the ICU for 5 days and twice a day they would take me down to Radiology to have them run blood thinning stuff through my vein. The final day they sucked up what was left of the clot and then power flushed my blood through my heart. Man that was a weird experence. I thought I was having a heart attack. I told him he could have told me first what he was doing cause I was pannicking. It was kinda funny cause I could hear it running through my veins by my ears. It made a swooshing sound like water flowing. After 7 days in Mason City Hospital, I got transported by ambulance back to Algona Hospital so I could be closer to family. I spent another 5 days there. And now I'm on Blood Thinners for 6 or more months because I have other smaller blood clots in my right leg and left calf. Now alls I have to do is sit and worry if a blood clot breaks loose and goes to my lungs. Wow, thats fun...NOT! Right now my left leg is purpley reddish and my right is white. I can tell if I've been on my legs to long cause it starts hurting. I do have to keep walking every day though to get it to circulate and get this weight off that I gained from all my back problems. I did finally get my back fixed right this time. He found another broken bone that was really pinching my nerves and spinal cord bad. I do have a little pain yet but not like i had before. Once this weight comes all off I should be better. I hope anyways.
That's all for now cause I'm tired and need sleep. All the stress I'm having has me so out of wack that I cry easily. So back to therapy I go so I don't do something stupid like I've done before........I'll write more maybe tomorrow if I have some free time. Night All.....Sassy