Redo.) About 29-yrs ago, I had decided one-day to finally spend some quality time to think of a different way to move a vehicle, other than with an electric motor.> Up until this time, I had heard & seen many various reports over the years from people in all walks-of-life that had encountered first-hand 'other' Craft, that we (humankind) would have unlikely been able to manufacture > These 'other' craft had obvious distinctions from 'ours' in-that they emitted no-sound or exhibited any sign of propulsion, and/or were simply unlike anything that was seen before. > I had watched documentaries that had interviews of jet-fighter pilots, that told of their encounter with some of these 'other' Craft, while on various training excercises. > It was said that the maneuvering capabilities of these Craft were extraordinary, and a human-pilot would be unable to to withstand that kind g-force.> And so I had considered this along with other reports of the capabilities of these 'other' craft, and especially some effects left-behind in an original single relatively small crop-circle, that had vegetation knocked-down, without any physical-contact 'perse, and/or by an unknown energy.> So considering this and various other things, I had reached a point in my life that I became motivated to try'n figure-out what possible type of propulsion-system could enable a vehicle to traverse the immense distance from another star-system. > A logical conclusion was that an invisible force was involved, and all I could think-of was magnetic-force, so I found few magnets lying-around, from a small electric-motor, and beagn toying around with'em. > I had done some reading-up about how efficient electric-motors were, and as I was tinkering with the magnets, I became intrigued and even awe-struck at the invisibility of magnetic-force, and how it could perform actual physical work to be done. > I had put quite abit of thought into it, and after a certain amount of time, I still hadn't come-up with anything. > Strangely, starting sometime back in '1979 (if memory serves me correctly), I developed a sort-of habit of spinning-around just about everything I could get my hands on (call it a disorder), and so, one-day after using a hand-operated can-opener, as I held the wind-turn part that turns & cuts the lid off, I noticed that the two-handles would sling-apart, thus disabling me from spinning it in a controlled manner. > Strangely enough, this made me stumble upon the main ingredient that I had been looking for, and needless-to-say I was beyond excited, and so I grabbed a pencil and paper and sat-down to design a system that could work with this principle. > I came-up with a system that would utilize electric-motorization, but 'only' to power or spin a specifically designed SRC (spinning-rotor-center). > After a week or so, I had what I thought was a good illustration w/ description of the likely means for propelling 'other' advanced vehicle/craft. > I found an ad in the back of a science-magazine for anyone with an idea or invention, to submit it for review or marketability,,, and so, I sent it off in the mail. > Within a week or so, I was informed it had passed most of the criteria, but because it was energy-related, it would be sent to the DOE's non-nuclear energy-related invention program. > Within a couple of weeks or so, the D.O.E informed me that I would need to provide a better explanation because they didn't understand how it would work the way I claimed. > I sent them several more letters, in an attempt to assure them that if it was made right, it 'Had' to work,,, of which, they said "Because it purports to operate on a self-sustaining basis, and/or requires nuclear power, they were therefore unable to encourage me with what I propose. > So, needless to say, I was very discouraged and downright unhappy at having accomplished nothing, and so I decided to go-about my life, and keep it in the back-of-my-mind. > I purchased a computer in '1997, intending to contact whomever I could who was persuing various space-related technology or systems, or might be interested in 'that' which could do what nothing else could. > While, over the past almost 14+ years, I received several responses, so-far, nothing positive or encouraging has resulted,,,, which is due-likely to everyone going about life as-usual, or, getting paid to do only what they can. > A likely reason also, is that no-one wants to appear like they had lost their marbles, or 'touch' with reality. > So, over the many years I attempted to submit a proposal, but it requires abit of knowhow and/or resources, that I am unable to provide in any way. > I also sent numerous e-mails with a full-description of the system to NASA, hoping they might consider by-passing the usual time-consuming process, but it was made clear that Protocol would need to be followed,,, and so, it was all-systems no go. > I also mentioned to NASA that this system would break all the rules, and tried urging them to consider making a revision as how they do business, to allow the system to be peer-reviewed and/or R&D'd. > One thing about this system, is that it works on a very simple principle, but will however require some very efficient materials that can maintain their properties, and/or, new ones R&D'd. > It will also require a whole new approach in how electric-energy is used & controlled, and, because it doesn't require any mass/fuel, it will enable an all new 'specially' made vehicle to operate in a vastly improved capacity. > There is a mathematical formulae available for determining an amount of the force generated within a certain given-dimension, and therefore cannot be denied or disregarded. > The likely reason why this hasn't even been considered as having any potential, is due to soem confusion and/or a general misunderstanding about Centrifugal-force,,, also because it is eliminated from any system that spins at a high rate of Rpm's,,, thus no research 'perse has been conducted. > Now, its also understood that mainstream-scientists typically have a negative mindset for a device or system that purports to operate on a self-sustaining basis, or claims to be able to achieve perpetual-motion,,,, because it is commonly known & accepted that there is always an energy-loss, never a gain . > I am not in any-way implying that perpetual-motion is achievable, but I am confident however that this system will indeed achieve the extraordinary, and simply has been overlooked. > I am more than convinced that this system, will prove beyond a-doubt that 'We' (mankind) are definitely Not alone in this universe, and instead rather, in a very elementary or initial stage of technological development > Over the many years, numerous eyewitness accounts of undeniable strange lights, have been conveyed to other people thru-out our society, both directly & indirectly, of which, tends to be received in a variety of misleading ways. > Case-in-point - there is an enthusiastic 'following' of people that favor & support a 'nonlinear-mode' of travel as opposed to a 'linear' one, as a practical solution for traversing vast distances of space in a drastically reduced timeframe. > Supposedly, this device will utilize powerful electromagnets to produce a gravitational force so-powerful that it can bend or distort space, so as to by-pass it altogether.> A wormhole, blackhole and/or hyper/warp-drive system (hint hint, there's only one that comes close), are presumed to enable F.T.L. (faster-than-light) travel, thereby much time and enormous amounts of food, air, liquids, etc, in-order to make even a trip to the nearest star. > Well now, it doesn't take a rocket-scientist to realize that this so-called time-saving method is at the very-least impractical if not suicidal, because such a device would require an unobtainable amount of energy, only to end in self destruction.> I base a much more likely practical solution on 'other' intelligently controlled lights/craft that had obviously performed maneuvers, of which I have determined indeed are in-fact being done by highly advanced civilizations, that are currently operating in a whole 'other' capacity.> I would say that as 'We' live, breath, work & go about our very earthly business, and unfortunately just pass-on (hopefully) to a better world in the after-life,,,, little do we know that down-thru the ages 'We' have been motivated, compelled, enticed, driven, and literally forced to persue 'another' (shall we say) more enduring means or mode of existence or being? > Now, I will only say that this 'other' system I've mentioned, is not just a theory w/ a hole in it, but can be demonstrated via a simple experiment. > While it may only appear this system is too good to be true, a Fact is still a Fact no-matter how you spin it,, and this system spins at an incredibly fast rate of no-less than 60,000 Rpm's, and as 'IF' there are no moving parts. > This is the only way that the essential dynamic force can be generated, and in-turn enables the overall weight of a specifically designed vehicle/craft, to be overtaken. > Several of these systems would be used on a typical advanced vehicle/craft, of which would enable any and all maneuvers to be performed, plus a speed in space thats comparble to you driving on a hi-way and watching a sign or bill-board go by.> Now, having said this, there is one good way to put it in proper-perspective, and it's by 'realizing' that 'we' mankind, have been ablt to accomplish in just the last Century or so.> A whole new era of deductive reasoning & creative thinking has enabled us to build a far more capable society that allows us to further invent, envision, engineer, develope, design & build an even more capable society. > And so, the whole of society will continue-on ever forward to the distant future, and will improve, upgrade, enhance & advance until the beneficiaries of that society will have completely transformed into something infinitely more capable. > So if you can, imagine a civilization that has been around for a million, 10 million or 100 million, and even billions of years,,, and, you just can't help think 'Exactly' just how capable 'someone' else might be?. > For me, it's a 'given', that the space above or around, and/or right in-front of us, is not only being interpreted in a whole complete 'other' very sophisticated manner, but also operated.> The first thing in understanding what must have occurred in our distant future, is to accept that our common primate ancestor has about 98% the same DNA as 'We (modern-day humankind), then, you can allow yourself to make a much bolder step and at least surmise what happened to this natural biological-dependent down-to-earth human mode-of-being, in other star-systems that once harbored planets & civilizations like ours, now. > Of course, over the years, many well-grounded people that are wholy or holy against someone being immeasurably more capable than them (except for god, and we have only the word of someone who lived thousands of years ago, who wrote what they believed to be The Word Of God, and of whom didn't even know the earth was round at the same time), and therefore pose a question that if ET's are visiting us, or, are here, then why don't they come down & land on the White House lawn, for all to see? > Now, you have to wonder just how most people might actually deal with this, and it's therefore doubtful they would even believe what they see with their own two eyes,,, which is more than likely due to our inability of perceiving or relating to that which doesn't even remotely operate or function like that, which we typically are use-to and/ associate with in this world. > Many people might think we've been invaded by bug-eyed aliens from outer-space,,, while others might simply go insane, and/or go into a self-destruct mode (it depends of where your head is at, I suppose ). > Now, many level-headed intelligent and/or not-so down-to-earth people might look at it from a more scientific and logical stand-point, and think that it's quite possible 'other' intelligent races of beings simply evolved independently from us. > Others might conclude that some lifeforms adapted and/or developed in an arsenic-based environment rather than carbon, or maybe they evolved from insects, lizards, velociraptors, or a mutant humanoid-looking hybrid that rose-up from a nuclear war, or maybe somekind of left-over from an experiment-gone-horribly-awry, that somehow took-over, and/or escaped to come back in-time to warn us ? > Now really, the speculation is endless, and while there's nothing wrong that, a more likely explanation is that the universe is almost 14 billion years old, and likely countless millions of years of evolution has enabled beings much like us once-upon-a-time to progress to a point-of no-return, and/or long-since made the transition to a vastly improved (unnatural) body. > Now, being similar to what I once was, you can begin to surmise where 'this' is all likely headed, and you simply realize that 'We' are so far back in-time, that IT is what is actually unbelievable. > Now, we all know that UFO is an acronym that tends to be confused with just about everything, however for me it has become IFO , which stands for "Infallible Foremost Obscurity" (something less-confusing) .> Now, theres little doubt that I used to 'believe', but because I have some quality time, I am now convinced that I 'know' that this natural human mode of being & the world we live-on, is essentially nothing more than pure mass-confusion, and (unfortunately) won't end well for ourkind. > So anyway, my fellow Humanosaurs, remember that while 'we've' got an awful LONG way to go before our distant relatives develope a vastly more improved and enduring intelligent process, that is compatably integrated to function with an altogether powerful new type of energy-field, which will enable an altogether sophisticated technological ability that distinctly distinguishes knowledge from belief, fact from fiction, or reality from fantasy. > But meanwhile, we need to make use of the relatively short-time we have, to 'realize' what we otherwise (abnormally) wouldn't. > From my very well-learned experience, I can only logically assume that countless millions of years of progress in times-long-past has (not so) simply transformed this natural biologically human-being into a very highly developed sophisticated technological one,,, of which, most of us might not even care to know. > I say this, because I am absolutely certain of it, and whether you believe it or not, it is never-the-less the very thing 'we' all essentially strive-for (maybe not those who only do what they're allowed-to or capable-of ). > I'd say that whether we like it or not Perfection is absolutely mandatory in-order to 'actually' leave this world, and for that matter, anyother one that certainly exists out in the vastness of space & time. > For me, there is indeed a Heaven, but it's abit more complicated than just passing-on to an afterlife in a so-called spiritual world,,, altho, that may comfort us and get us thru the day. > As a living human-being in the real world, I have serious trouble identifying with Ghosts & Spirits,,,, because they don't carry any weight, of which, is absolutely essential to have just the right amount in this 'other' system that is currently enabling technological immortality, essentially, above our heads. > You see, this system will enable you to travel Light, but in-order to 'actually' do that, we have to eliminate all of the bio-baggage that keeps us well-grounded human-beings down-to-earth. > Sadly, the sooner we can do this, the sooner we'll be able to reach the ultimate goal of living a most unbelievable immaculate heavenly immortal existence among the stars, like we might otherwise 'ever' know ( I simply don't believe it! ) How it changed my life:I'll never be the same, but obviously, some things I'd like to remember, so I can know who, where, and what I once was. 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