hi -hugs-. i've never posted in here but, i have been thinking of 2012, and read alot of things from acient myths', to news stories. i'm clairsentient. meaning i can sense things. i believe not getting the answers in psy-advice about 2012 was the universes way of telling me
that i need to look within myself, and not depend on everyone/thing else all the time.i could do it if i just tried and believe in myself. if someone does something/tells you answers all the time...you'll never learn, and only have more questions'.. i also sense that this year is a culture clash. i've always liked the 60s/70s era, and i seem to have kinda got my wish. for years people have tried to guess the "end of the world".
from tarot hyrographs to online websites many have combined science, and religion to try, and figure out what life is, who/what put us here, soon we have more questons' than answers.things change. the old "world" ends, as a new has already started. history don't repeat but, a similar thing may happen [deja-vu].nostalgia could be what causes culture clashes. the desire to "be like they once where" hearing stories of peaceful times we forget
that now it's the same world, but, just diffrent.example:similar:marriage is a controversy only it's homosexuals this time but, in the past it was interracial. another thing i noticed is how nature is trying to give us answers to our questions'. the biggest spiritual awakinings of 2011 was the tsunami-quake [tsunami, and earthquake] in sendai.
to me i felt it was mother natures way of saying life is so much more sacred, and valueable than we realize. the material world grows, and expands, like we do. when i think of tornados i think of the mind, and tsunamis/hurricanes i think of emotions. because when we loose controlle our own emotions/thoughts can controlle us.
i believe there are other species, and beings around us.water, fauna,flora,ect.2012 is just another year...it's how WE live is what kinda world we will live in.we are so much more powerful than we know, and we will all keep going, and learning, and changing. that instead of living in the now we try to guess the past, and future
i believe in the future america WILL be peaceful, and life will be thought of, and felt as sacred, and spiritual...but, untill then i sense we all still have more to learn.not about eachother, the earth, everything around us...but, ourselves.