Ever sat back and thought about what a true friend is?
I have, many of times.
I have realized that I have been truly blessed
by the friends that have come and gone in my life.
Sometimes our friends are our Angels in disguise.
Friends help to guard and guide us throughout
our journey in life.In times of sorrow and days of Joy!
They help to bring us hope and comfort that nothing can ever destroy.
In the house of darkness and shadows,when our dreams have flown!
They bring us Peace and Healing and help us know that we're not alone!
Through times of doubting and being insecure, Our friends are still there.
being a true friend is being there no matter what may come your way.
Open up your heart and allow the Joy of being a friend
and having one overcome you.
Allow yourself to let those walls drop and learn to trust.
Because a TRUE friend isn't going to judge you for what you have or don't have.
A TRUE friend isn't going to run away just because you got too skinny or fat.
A True friend isn't going to back away when you tell them your past.
If anything they'll be there thru no matter what comes their way.
A TRUE friend isn't considered shallow just deep.
For all of the above, I would like to Thank My friends .
Thank You for being True!
and Thank You for being my friend.