today is a far cry from yesterday how can something seem so far away,
still so near...
some days I feel as if I am still me others... not so sure
I am a far cry from who I was a far cry from who I want to be
yet I sit and still feel like myself, but not?
my mind has me stuck at twentysomething but my eyes...
my eyes feel heavy and worn some days as if made of lead, they weigh heavy I wonder if I look in the mirror...
who would be staring back at me?
less often I gaze upon the reflection in the mirror I am afraid of who will be looking back at me.
I feel like myself, but will I have aged, does my skin hang as heavy as my eyes feel the weight of the world lays heavy on my spine I feel as if I had shrunk feel smaller in a sort
I once had many dreams played within my mind so many times how I was to attain those dreams
and time passed....quickly some day felt as if they had dragged, others flew by my weary look back on life every day had flown by
moments dissapeared into yesterdays, would haves, could haves, should haves.........
each day passed faith and hope kept me going time kept on pulling running us all over
so many things passed so many things came to be
never a regret within any given moment
just afraid to gaze upon the aging person I would not want to see someone looking back at me I do not know.
I suppose, in my outloud thinking, I am telling myself to get moving again get living and doing...
some days a person may feel a bit guilty at times depressed...but that is just human nature we all get like that from time to time I assume.
I can not say life is at all bad, certainly it is not, life has changed, children grow up children are born relationships change with friends, family, aquaintences its all good, life has a way of going no mater what
into the direction it is meant to be, even if we have strayed off the path destiny always puts you where you belong
where ever you are...there youare
and here I am...
driving myself nuts in the loud silence of this room thinking outloud to myself and others
I have aged well thus far I have lived life well during this life will continue to do so
I just wish my eye lids would go back to where they used to be which is up more than where they are now LOL
in all my outward thinking within the few moments it took to think my thought
my thought is... I can look that person in the mirror. I like her
she is nuts... :)
which is the way I like her
out in this world somewhere
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Halloween is Right around the corner.. .