"The Zahra Project"
Many of you may have heard about this little lady, Her name is Zahra Baker and is an Aussie, her father brought her to America and married trash. They lived in the town next to me.
Zahra was a cancer survivor, twice over. She also lost her hearing and had hearing aids along with a fake leg {she lost her leg to cancer}
This little Angel survived so much in her 10 short years only to be abused by her step-mother to the point that this little angel died. She was dismembered and thrown away in different areas around here. NO BODY has been arrested for her death. Her step-mother is in jail for bad checks and writting a fake ransom note, the father walks free.
There is an organisation called "The Zahra Project" {you can find it on facebook under that name} I have been given the honor to be an advisor on this project and our goal is to change laws where child protection and child abuse are concerned.
Now I have come up with an idea and I need input. I myself am an abused child survivor, yes, I say survivor because every abused child is one hit away from death. The ladies and I are trying to figure out a program to bring to schools to bring awareness and to teach about abuse and the signs to look for. Sort of like a D.A.R.E. program but instead of teaching about drugs, we will be teaching about abuse.
Here is where I need your help. If you don't want others to see your reply please put it in Author Only. I am looking for ideas, signs, anything you can come up with to help me design a good program. I have a lot but I need help. So please share your story with me, or any ideas to help me with this.
I don't want this poor child to have died for nothing, lets make Zahra's life do something to save another. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 22852 ( Click here )
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