Superstition Concerning the Dead. By Lady Francesca Wilde.
Many strange spells are effected by the means of a dead hand, chiefly to produce butter in the churn. The milk is stirred round nine times with the dead hand, the operator crying aloud all the time "Gather! gather! gather!" While a secret form of words which none but the initiated knew.
Another use is to facilitate robberies, if a candle is placed in a dead hand neither wind nor water can put it out. And if carried into a house the inmate will sleep the sleep of death as long as it remains under the roof, and no power on earth can ake them while the hand holds the candle.
For a mystic charm, one of the strongest known is the hand of an unbaptized infant fresh from the grave in the name of the Evil One.
A dead hand is esteeed aslo a certain cure for most diseases, and many a time sick people have being brought to a house where a corpse lay, that the hand of the dead may be laid on them.
The souls of the dead who may happen to die abroad, greatly desire to rest in Ireland. And the relations deem it their duty to bring back the body to be laid in Irish earth. But even then the dead will not rest peacefully unless laid with their forefathers and their own people and not amongst strangers.
A young girl happened to die of a fever while away on a visit to some friends, and her father thought it safer not to bring her home, but to have her buried in the nearest churchyard. However, a few nights after his return home, he was awakened by a mournful wail at the window, and a voice cried, " I am alone; I am alone, I am alone!" Then the poor father knew well what it meant, and he prayed in the name of God that the spirit of his dead child might rest in peace until the morning. And when the day broke he arose and set off to the strange burial ground, and there he drew the coffin from the earth, and had it carried all the way back from Cork to Mayo and after he had laid the dead in the old graveyard beside his people and his kindred. the spirit of his child had rest, and the mournful ccry was no more heard in the night.
The corner of a heet that has been wrapped around a corpse is a cure for headaches if tied round the head.
The ends of candles used at wakes are of great efficacy of curing burns.
A piece of linen wrap taken from a corpse will cure the swelling of a lime if tied round the part affected.
It is believed that the spirit of teh dead last buried has to watch in the churchyard until another corpse is laid there, or has to perform menial offices in the spirit world, such as carrying wood and water until the next spirit comes from earth. They are aslo sent on message to earth, chiefly to announce the coming death of a relative and at this they are glad, for then their time of peace and rest will come at last.
If anyone stublems at a grave it is a band omen, but if he falls and touches the clay, he wll assurdly die before the year is out.
Anyone meeting a funeral must turn back and walk at least four steps with the mourners.
If the nearest relative touches the hand of a corpse it will utter a wild cry if not quite dead.
On twelfth night the dead walk and on every tile of the house a soul is sitting, waiting for your prayers to take it out of pugatory.
There are many strange superstitions in the Western Island of Connemara. At night the dead can be heard laughing with the fairies and spinning the flax. One girl declared that she distinctly heard her dead mother's voice singing a morunful Irish air way down in the heart of the hill. But after a year and a day the voices cease, and the dead are gone for ever.
It is custom in the West, when a corpse is carried to teh grave, for the bearers to stop half way while the nearest relatives buld up a small monument of loose stones, and no hand would ever dare to touch or disturb this monument while the world lasts.