Side note: I tend to dream alot. What i don't tend to do is feel the urge to write about what i dreamed about. Looking back on my posts, i notice a pattern, though. The dreams that i do post here, the ones that are most vivid, are the ones that stand out to me on a personal level, usually because it deals with a family member who has passed. I've written recently about how i've become to things spiritually. I actually read something to my mom yesterday that i had written. Sure, it was fanfiction for the show Supernatural, but it dealt with God and angels. So me and mom had a chat about it, and how she had just spoken to someone about recent experiences, etc etc. Long story short, last night i had a dream that i was surrounded by people. Later, i couldn't place specific faces, but in my dream i knew the people were loved ones that have died. One, however, stood out very vividly, and was the focus of my dream. My maternal grandfather (Papa) and I had always been incredibly close. (Despite being was a very difficult man...stubborn, a bit rough, he was different with me. People said it was like seeing a different man. We were close as anything. Like me, he had depression and bipolar, but it was never diagnosed until he was in his 70s. Not that it would make a difference at the time) We were standing with the group of people, when suddenly he reached out, took my hand, and said, "Come on, Funny Lookin', lets see if that restaurant we love hasn't closed before you leave." So we walked, holding hands. I don't remember what we talked about, but he was very excited about taking me to 'our' restaurant. When we got there, it wasn't so much a restaurant, but a small store in a strip mall. It was obscure, like you would have passed it by if you didn't know it was there. "Looks like it's closing," he'd said. "But we might still have time to get something to eat before you leave." I remember looking at the store/restaurant, then at my grandfather, who was holding my hand. He turned, kissed my nose, and i woke up. How it changed my life:I relayed the dream to my mom this morning, and a few points of interest came up.
I mentioned the small restaurant, and my mom literally covered her mouth. Apparently, when i was very, very young, there was a pizza place where my grandparents lived in Brooklyn that we frequented. It was small, and situated in a strip mall. It was a favorite place to go when we visited my grandparents.
My grandfather kept referring to, 'Before you leave.' Tomorrow,after 3 years in Arizona, i'm moving back home to New York. I couldn't help but wonder if Papa was telling me there were things i needed to do in Arizona before i left- maybe something i've wanted to do, but never got to.
His pet name for me was 'funny lookin'
At the end of the dream was probably most poignant for me, when he kissed my nose. Growing up, we had this shared 'thing.' If i was sad, or sick, he would tell me to kiss his nose, and all my sadness and sickness would be transferred from me, to him.
How it changed my life? I definitely think the wall i built around myself regarding spirituality or anything like that is cracking, and i'm more open to possibilities You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 30097 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .