The Lucky Cat's story, otherwise known as Maneki Neko (Maneki means welcoming and Neko means cat in Japanese) starts in the 17th century.
There are many legends surrounding this cat but the most common one states that a calico cat named Tama lived with her priest in a poor temple in the western part of Japan.
As the legend goes, Tama saved a very wealthy man from being hit by lightening. As a result of having his life saved by the cat, the wealthy man bestowed upon the temple great wealth. Thus the legend of the Lucky Cat (Maneki Neko) was born.
One will often find a Lucky Cat with its Left Paw raised in front of a business as this is said to bring in customers. A Lucky Cat with its Right Paw raised is said to bring good luck and/or wealth.
Taken from the back of a Maneki Neko (Lucky Cat) box, my dad gave me as a gift. I've seen them in Japanese and Chinese restaurants before and wanted one.
Hope you enjoyed the story as much as I did.
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