{I'm more writing this on my mother's behalf, though i'm curious about what you guys think.}
My family is not particularly spiritual, but if any of us saw more to life (and death), it would be my mother.
On my way home from work today, she confided in a dream she'd been having frequently over the past week. She said she didn't know if i'd find it "weird," but she personally didn't think it mattered too much on a personal level.
{Apparently, my grandmother (Who passed on a month ago, after being sick for a long) has been in my mother's dreams nearly every night. According to my mother, she says the same thing, pleading: "I need to come back. I need to come back."
Each night, Mom, in her dream, would reply, "You can't come back, Renz-" (My Grandmother's name was Renee, Renz was one of her nicknames). "If you come back, you'll get sick again."
But my grandmother would insist, "I need to come back, i need to come back."}
Mom would wake up unsettled, upset, and wondering. She can't help but think if somehow, depending on what you believe, Grandma hasn't gotten to where she needs to be to be at peace.
If you've read my other recent post (http://www.unsolvedmysteries.com/usm527333.html?t=General Advice; if you're curious), you'll know that there's been a considerable amount of discord in my family, namely regarding my father (Grandma's oldest of two sons). Grandma wasn't aware of any trouble in our family, and I know if she were alive today and knew there was such conflict, it would break her heart. Her family was everything to her, and she especially adored me, my parents, and my sister.
As things in my family grow conflicted, and my relationship (as well as my mom's) with my father unravels at warp speed, i can't help but wonder as well. I'm more of a cynic, and i've grown more so over the years, but i can't help but think there's something to my mother's dream. If (and i'm merely saying 'if' based on my own personal beliefs), there's more to the afterlife...could my grandmother be coming to my mother in her dreams in a sort of plea? That she can't move on until there's some semblance of peace among those she loved most? How it changed my life:It adds alot to what's going on with my family. Mom, in particular, is taking blame on herself for not being the "Bigger Person" in the situation. No matter how spiritual a person is or isn't, the thought that Grandma can't move on in part to a seemingly impossible situation is eating at her.
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