AH, rant first because I'm so friggin' mad!
My dorms are set up suite-style, where I have a roomate and two suitemates connected by a bathroom in the middle. We've been switching off buying toilet paper between my roomie & I and our suitemates, and it's been our suitemates turn to buy toilet paper for a while now (we've been out of toilet paper for about 3 days). Why didn't my roomie & I just buy TP? We talked to our suitemates three days ago & they said that they were "buying some tomorrow, we've just been using paper towels for now" Uhm, YOU CAN'T FLUSH PAPER TOWELS. Both of them then went home for the weekend because they live close to here.
What happens?!
Yep, the toilet is clogged because they've been using whole sheets of paper towels & flushing them! It hasn't overflowed but it won't flush. We've been using peoples bathrooms across the hall. Anyways, so I try to plunge it and it's not working. I call the front desk & check out their plunger. Still no luck. I tell them what's going on & they're tell me to try plunging it and then put in a maintenance request, but it will probably take a few days for them to come depending on the amount of requests they have. So I go up to my room & try everything I can with the toilet, then try to put my request in. Well, the WiFi here in the dorms ABSOLUTELY SUCKS, even with an ethernet cable so the website won't work. So I go back down to the front desk and he tells me "Oh yeah, the website goes down every once in a while & it doesn't work with internet explorer" Guess which one I use? Yep. Internet Explorer. So now I'm in the process of trying to borrow someone's computer for a few seconds along with their bathroom so I can pee, dealing with this by myself because my roomates & suitemates all went home. The joy of being an out of state student :)
That's enough of that.
I've been at school (ASU) for about two months now! I absolutely love it here besides my snooty suitemates! The weather is so nice, although it was a little hard adjusting to 113 degrees when I moved in! I've adjusted though, and now I'm freezing when it gets to 74 degrees at night. I'm literally in sweatpants and a sweatshirt! The days here are amazing, and it's beautiful.
My classes have been going pretty well! Chemistry is probably my hardest class, but I'm working at it. I got a 96.5% on my first Pre-Calculus exam, and it was the highest in the class! I'm so excited about it, especially because my professor met with me at the beginning of the semester and said that based on my placement score I should go to a lower math class and work up to pre-calculus. Psh, forget that.
I'm in a few clubs, and I've made tons of wonderful friends. I'm so glad I went here, it's amazing!
I do miss home a little though, I'm really excited to go back in December & my dad is visiting in November! I can't wait :)
Anyways, thats my life. Tell me yours:)