Man, I don't even know where to begin. So I'll start with a picture.
Several have asked if I actually had a picture of all three kids together. I finally got one where they weren't crying or beating on one another. SCORE GO ME!
Savannah just turned two. Where does the time go?? :( While I was ebaying the other day she actually got herself in a bit of a predicament.
I was in the ajoining room and I hear her holler 'mommy, help. I stuck' Thinking she was caught behind the couch....(typical) I poke my head out......
I didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so naturally I grabbed the camera. Stinker had moved everything we stacked in front of the fireplace (it doesn't have a gate/door) and climbed in. she was so black from all the ash......that bath was a mess. OK I can laugh now!!! I'll probably still be finding ash marks on the carpet/walls for a while though!
The past month we've been back to the ER four times, doctor I've lost count how for more testing. The list goes on. Hubby was diagnosed with a (thankfully) benign heart condition. But it does require medication and lifestyle/diet changes which are permanent. He's also having a bunch of GI issues. so he gets to go in for a colonoscopy here in a couple weeks. And then an endoscopy to follow it up (not yet scheduled) We spent last night in the ER because he thought his appendix was causing issues.
They never found anything wrong. Ever spend the night with three young ones in the ER....I've done that twice in the past month (Once he took himself, the other time mom was out here and watched the older two) It's NOT fun. I feel like I was insane bezerk crazy lady at 3am when they finally came in to discharge him.
I'm at my wits end with all these medical issues. At this point I feel we're bound for mystery diagnosis. And I'd rather be in a coma then think about the bills about ready to come pouring in.
I know I know people have it way worse. Play the sad sad song on the fiddle. I get it. I'm just so drained and I feel so helpless right now. *Sigh* I'd love to move away from here and all. But that involves a lot of planning and all. But at least we'd be closer to family? I think that'd be a big mental boost and help a lot. But then the worn down side of me is thinking that the grass isn't always greener on the other side. What if all my grass is brown right now?
I'm recovering from an injury from the kids not picking up their toys, I tripped and caught all my weight on my forearm of a door jam. Ouch. Thought I broke my arm. Maybe a small fracture. I don't know. And I'm not motivated to go in either. It's feeling slightly better yesterday and today. so here's hoping.
Hmph. Sorry there's so much more but I'll end there!
Anyway. Meet Mr Nibbles!!! One of our backyard friends!! (Mrs nibbles comes around less often...) We've also had bambi! But we were out at the time and the neighbor told us about it. Salamanders galore too.
~Becky (Hoping for better times ahead)
JUST for Ginger the five of us:
<<< thanks widdlytinks!
Sorry we're a little camera shy hehe