Well, this day, this friday, last day of the work week ( I wish ), here I find myself with nothing to do. I have given a class to the Soldiers on customs and courtesies already, physical training is done, and now we are just waiting to take them to lunch. What fun, and I get paid for this...LOL...this afternoon I will go to the pool, swim my mile for the day, and then I will lifeguard for the Soldiers that do physical therapy in the pool, then im off for the day. Next week however holds some things in store for me....let me tell you all about it since I have nothing better to do....here goes....I am going through what is called an MMRB or MOS Medical Review Board ( MOS= Military Occupational Specialty ), yes the years have not been good to the ole ShAdOw TiGeR, I have osteroarthritis and degenerative cartlidge in my left knee to the point where I cant run anymore, and my hearing isnt so good, almost 50% loss. So, they are going to decided if they are going to keep me on active duty, or if they are going to give me a different MOS since I can no longer carry on in the infantry...I am hoping to get the new MOS, I dont want to throw away 16 years of service....SOooooooooo, wish me luck...now, thats what is up with me, how is your friday/weekend/ going to be...take care my friends...
this is ShAdOw TiGeR reporting, have a good day.... ** and cut ** thanks people, that was a great show, what are we covering next? You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 61968 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .