I am so shocked and upset by this. Mr. Tolle was 47 years old, and he had a heart attack. He had so much life in him, he was always bouncing around. Back in my freshman year, when I had him as a teacher, he cut me a lot of slack because of how I was constantly in and out of the hospital with suicide attempts. It was my lowest grade, a C, but he let me pass because he understood what was happening and he didn't want the class stressing me out more...
Another favorite story was when my chemistry teacher set off the fire alarm. Mr. Tolle would keep his dog Claire (who he loved sooo much!) in the green house during the school day. He took his students out to the parking lot, and then went running back in to get Claire because he didn't know whether part of the school was on fire. It was so sweet.
I'm going to a vigil tomorrow at the high school. It'll be like a mini high school reunion. Everyone I know from high school so far have said they are going.
I last saw him back in October, and he gave me the biggest hug and was so glad to see me. So much good has been lost with him. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 1799 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .