I wrote to a friend last month about some things that had been happening lately. Although a couple of similar things have happened over the years, at the point of writing, I hadn’t recalled them so I’m not going to put them in here right now. Anyway, this is what I wrote of the most recent happenings: The first, started with a dream I had in December 2007. Very briefly, my dream was that my former pen-friend, Carolyn, became a teacher and was working in the same school as me (not the school I work at in real life). Anyway, in April 2008 I was on Friends Reunited, I looked at Carolyn’s profile where she wrote in her profile about becoming an Early Years Assistant. Education! My dream! The next moment came in end June 2008. My eldest son was fitted for a new wheelchair in July 2007 but for various problems it was delayed and he finally got it in June 2008. I opened the side door to go to get him off the bus which has just pulled up outside our house and I immediately thought, He’s got his new wheelchair. I couldn’t see him or the wheelchair from the side door so it’s not like I’d spotted it first. Sure enough, he did get his new wheelchair! Unfortunately, it was taken from us 4 days later for safety reasons which I won’t go into right now because it ends up being a long story. Another came Tuesday, 10th February. At lunchtime, I went to get my lunchbox out of the fridge and a student teacher picked up a plate of food she'd just prepared. They were wraps but they were wrapped in such away they were rectangular and couldn't see what was in them. In my mind, I saw white fish, like that you get in cod fish fingers. At the table, I heard her say to someone, "These tuna wraps are lovely." I looked over to what she'd bitten into and it looked like tuna with mayonnaise. Ok, different kind of fish but fish nevertheless! The last in that series of happenings came in January when I arrived at work. I passed one of the PE teachers on the stairwell where we said a quick hello and I thought to myself, She’s pregnant. I don’t know where this thought came from. She didn’t even look pregnant; I just got the feeling she was. Later, she was in the staffroom talking with The Whisperers (another long story). She doesn’t come in very often as she’s been part time since she had her son a few years ago. So, I was taking furtive glances at her to see if she looked pregnant. She didn’t. On Friday, 13th February she came into the staffroom to speak with one of the RE teachers and explained to him why he had been getting her tutor group more often over the last few weeks. She said it’s because she’ll be leaving to have a baby (due in July)! I wonder if these incidents are just the major things. I do seem to pick up on certain things. I tend to pick up on people’s moods (and can often take it personally as if I’ve done something to upset them when it may not be the case). What’s spooked me today was I've been quietly following the story of Jade Goody's terminal illness originated by cervical cancer and I had this strange feeling that she would die today on Mothering Sunday in the UK. I've just read this article:- http://uk.news.yahoo.com/4/20090322/tuk-jade-goody-dies-dba1618.html I feel really quite sick now ;( You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 52746 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .