Let me share with ya'll my li'l poetic memo to staff and others for their B-day cake & Christmas wishes to me from yesterday.
"First I'd like to thank everyone for their birthday wish, I thoroughly enjoyed the time and the little tasty dish, I've caught up all my work before going on vacation- So there'll be no need for any to reassign inspections;
I wish everyone a good holiday which ever one they celebrate, From Christmas, Kwanza, Chanukah to Ramadan & Wiccan dates, From my childhood I still remember all of my parent's struggles- To try and gather presents for 'Los Reyes Magos';
I come from a country where there certainly wasn't much, That is still under a government that restricted all of such, And yet facing all of that they still brought out the joy- In their one little baby boy...
And in the end isn't that what it's really all about.
Hey, it's all good, it's all cheer, have a merry, have a happy and great New Year!"
P.S. I really do still remember my parents struggling with the rationing & categorizing of toys that the Cuban government would allow them to purchase for me & my cousins. Not only did they limit the number of toys, but they further sub-divided the rations by type of toy depending on the number & age of children in a family. So a store could have 7 modern accordions hanging in the display, but if you or yours did not qualify for an accordion of that stature than you had to buy the older cheaper models. This was a great lesson in delayed gratification at age 4,5 & 6. At age nine, or so, my parents enrolled me in a private music academy in North Miami, Florida in the good ole' U.S.of A. where I played on used & hand-me-down accordions for years until one year they purchased for me a brand new Scandali with a genuine diamond encrusted on the middle "C" button. I still have the musical instrument although I no longer play. One day I'll find sone deserving young person or public school music dept. in need & my Scandali will once again breathe life into young dreams of harmony. You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 18111 ( Click here )
Halloween is Right around the corner.. .