Opened in 1880, this hig-security prison now houses nearly four thousand inmates. Designed to house incorrigiblle prisoners serving long sentences. Today the prison is so haunted that officials have called in Roman Cathloic priests to exorcize the grounds, to no effect. The ghost of a guard killed in a 1927 riot, is called the Folsom Phantom, walks the catwalks at the front on foggy days. Discarnate voices are heard in the Old Prison Morgue and in the thirteen cells of the Old Death Row, where thirty-three men were hanged between 1895 and 1937. Four ghosts hang out in Building 5,the oldest cellblock. THe three-story Guard Tower 13 is haunted by an unseen presence that walks the building at night, opening and closing security doord.Haucl,p.64 You can join Unsolved Mysteries and post your own mysteries or interesting stories for the world to read and respond to Click hereScroll all the way down to read replies.Show all stories by Author: 18155 ( Click here )
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