Date: 10/4/2008 12:31:00 PM
From Authorid: 63026
I use to love the green can. But I quit drinking them  |
Date: 10/4/2008 12:33:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 62841
I limit myself to about one or two cans a month if that. I try to not drink them too often, though I like them a lot  |
Date: 10/4/2008 12:33:00 PM
From Authorid: 3263
LOVE EM!! Original is my fave  |
Date: 10/4/2008 12:35:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 62841
I prefer the lo carb over the original because it has a slightly better flavour in my opinion. I can drink either, it doesn't bother me if I can't have the blue one, but if I have a choice, I'd choose the blue  |
Date: 10/4/2008 1:02:00 PM
From Authorid: 998
I really like all the energy drinks. I have to drink them before 2 or 3:00pm or I don't sleep well. Flavors .. hmmm, I feel too guilty drinking the full calorie ones especially since each can is more than one serving. Besides, I love buying these drinks by the case at Costco .. and they have Rockstar Sugar Free, so that is my beverage of choice for the great pick-me-up.  |
Date: 10/4/2008 1:06:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 62841
I like Rockstars too, never have tried the sugar free one though. I will next time I see it  |
Date: 10/4/2008 1:13:00 PM
From Authorid: 37101
The original green, Mixxd (purple), M80, and Loca Moca. In that order. -  |
Date: 10/4/2008 1:16:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 62841
Cool  |
Date: 10/4/2008 1:24:00 PM
From Authorid: 14754
never tired them  |
Date: 10/4/2008 1:28:00 PM
From Authorid: 46527
I've never tried them nor do I intend ever doing so. I don't drink anything with caffeine in so I dread to think what sort of horrible 'high' a can of this stuff would give me. I think I'd probably have the jitters for a week or more!  |
Date: 10/4/2008 1:57:00 PM
From Authorid: 43015
I LOVE Monster! my favorite brand! I always get the uhhh hmm..I can't remember which one it was..possibly the red one? I LOVE the java ones too =D I usually get the mean bean  |
Date: 10/4/2008 2:17:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 62841
I tried the irish cream once because my brother bought it and I instantly fell in love.  |
Date: 10/4/2008 2:56:00 PM
From Authorid: 10245
Same as LSR, except I do allow myself a little bit of caffeine. A single cup of coffee leaves me crawling the ceiling for 2 days and unable to think coherently because my brain gets so scattered. It probably wouldn't be a good idea for me.  |
Date: 10/4/2008 4:34:00 PM
From Authorid: 998
There are a lot of energy drinks that are herbs vitamins and natural things to bring energy levels up without spikes of sugar and caffeine. SoBe No Fear, N Motion Caffeine Free energy, Advocare V16 Caffeine Free Energy, E10 Energy. In fact E10 is no sugar, no caffeine and no carbs. I've tried some of them, and they are good. Some are more pricey than others.  |
Date: 10/4/2008 4:39:00 PM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 62841
I like the SoBe one  |
Date: 10/4/2008 4:43:00 PM
From Authorid: 49689
they all taste the same to a mixture of grape seed oil and turpentine  |
Date: 10/4/2008 5:23:00 PM
From Authorid: 55344
I drink at least one a day. I even have a Monster tattoo. Any flavor works for me!  |
Date: 10/4/2008 7:43:00 PM
From Authorid: 55297
I love the Blue Monster and the Java one... But after my children were born they make me really jittery and shaky so I had to stop drinking them... BUT- in highschool I would have one every morning!  |
Date: 10/4/2008 8:04:00 PM
From Authorid: 7830
im not a fan of the monster drinks...but everday i have have either a rockstar lo-carb or an amp sugarfree...mmm...they keep me going lol  |
Date: 10/4/2008 9:36:00 PM
From Authorid: 63961
I think I had this discussion earlier about caffiene, and I definitely agree with KortNIE on the once a day thing, but not on any flavor. I only do green.  |
Date: 10/4/2008 10:15:00 PM
From Authorid: 36850
never had one. I tried a Rockstar sugar-free once, I wasn't impressed. I'll stick to the iced cofees. Coffee fo' ever!  |
Date: 10/5/2008 12:04:00 AM
From Authorid: 63961
I'm drinking a greenie right now Couldn't resist.  |
Date: 10/5/2008 9:56:00 AM
From Authorid: 51292
Ew I dont like them =P Or any energy drink for that matter. They all taste too sweet, Im a diet soda drinker so I cant stand anything too sugary. Even the new diet pepsi energy, I dont like it either lol.  |
Date: 12/3/2008 9:04:00 AM
From Authorid: 38601
I am addicted to the Original Monster. I had tried two different energy drinks before, red bull and amp, which are NASTY. Then, in June, while driving down to Florida, it was about 3am, I was driving down a truck ramp that was in the mountains and I was getting very sleepy, so my friend handed me a Monster (sounds like a commercial, right, lol) and I was HOOKED. For a while there, I had to have one when I woke up, before I got to work, while I was on my break, and one after work. But I needed to cut down on all the pop, and sugar, I had to cut that out too...believe me, it's a struggle, lol...  |