Date: 9/1/2008 8:01:00 AM
From Authorid: 28848
thats for the tip. I'm automatically alerted when purchases have been made, and I have extra security pins in addition to the usual ones on my accounts.  |
Date: 9/1/2008 8:06:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 47930
that is good, i will have to check and see if we can get it on ours..hugs  |
Date: 9/1/2008 8:13:00 AM
From Authorid: 63040
bookmarked thanks for the heads up! how did they get your card number and all your other info?  |
Date: 9/1/2008 8:13:00 AM
From Authorid: 49311
we have to try what Release me has MM LOVE YOU  |
Date: 9/1/2008 8:14:00 AM
From Authorid: 21903
wow, thank you for the warning!!  |
Date: 9/1/2008 8:17:00 AM
From Authorid: 28848
thanks, not thats. LOL  |
Date: 9/1/2008 8:21:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 47930
Star i was wondering the same thing..maybe on th snopes thing they will tell ya *shrugs* i am clueless lol  |
Date: 9/1/2008 8:23:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 47930
Release Me i new what ya meant lol  |
Date: 9/1/2008 8:23:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 47930
Freckle Face you are so welcome..there are so many people that choose to do the wrong thing.  |
Date: 9/1/2008 9:15:00 AM
From Authorid: 12709
Wow. I almost want one of them to try that on me so I can be mean when they call.  |
Date: 9/1/2008 9:37:00 AM
From Authorid: 63572
It's amazing how many new scams these people come up with. This is meant in no offense to anyone but I have found if people call you and sound like their from india or australia that it's usually a scam (i used to work in a small business office and we got a lot of calls) so when I kept getting calls from Discover about my account, which I don't have one, talking about saving me money on my tax refund(and these were in august mind you) I called the number and screamed all sorts of things at them. Turns out it was legit but they had been leaving the messages for the person who'd had my phone number last. You can never be too careful though.  |
Date: 9/1/2008 10:27:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 47930
so is really scary when it comes to your credit or your identiy (sp) i liked it when i was little and the phone only ran when it was family or friends calling.  |
Date: 9/1/2008 10:30:00 AM
From Authorid: 998
Wow, this is a slick scam. The 'bad guys' are just waiting around every corner to try and capitalize on anything we might trust to be true. I have been contacted by phone on two of my debit cards, and one credit card to verify if charges were correct. I can't recall if they asked for the 3 digit verifier number or not, but I could have been duped into giving it to them ... possibly. It just doesn't compute that if THEY have all your info including mailing address ... that THEY might be CROOKS. This is just plain scary, and thank you for the heads up.  |
Date: 9/1/2008 10:33:00 AM
From Authorid: 63846
I'll be sure to tell everyone I know.  |
Date: 9/1/2008 10:36:00 AM
From Authorid: 21839
I have read this before but forgot all about it.. I actually don't answer my phone unless I know who it is.. thanks for spreading the word...  |
Date: 9/1/2008 10:41:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 47930
Ginger, i know it is horrible how people come up with all this ideas, cant they work hard like everyone else. just sad cause you know that alot of people are being takenon this.  |
Date: 9/1/2008 10:42:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 47930
krista and sugar bear thank you for your comments hugs  |
Date: 9/1/2008 11:03:00 AM
From Authorid: 998
I know how the bad guys are getting our credit/debit card information. I watched an NBC Dateline investigation on TV about it. There are huge lists compiled by thieves, of literally millions of credit/debit card information strips. It seems that every time you swipe your card in one of the readers (store/gas station) a lot of your data is included from that magnetic strip on the back of your card. Everything from your address to your social security info can be included. Disreputable people can sell your data to crooks, who then resell it at as little as a penny per card, to other crooks. The undercover Dateline story were able to buy names for 5 cents per name, and start charging fraudulent charges to those accounts within a couple of minutes. Very frightening to know how accessible all our private info is.  |
Date: 9/1/2008 11:35:00 AM ( From Author )
From Authorid: 47930
OMG i did not know that...grrrr thank you ginger  |
Date: 9/1/2008 12:31:00 PM
From Authorid: 12072
just know that oftentimes credit cards DO call you to ask if you really did make a large purchase, if you're ever in doubt, just tell them you'll call the number on back of the card to verify the charges. And if you do give information (such as the security code, the pin, the card#) always give your card a call to check it out.  |
Date: 9/1/2008 12:41:00 PM
From Authorid: 61847
Wow that is good to know. *hugs*  |
Date: 9/1/2008 12:42:00 PM
From Authorid: 14754
wow, im going to pass this on to my friends..thanks.  |
Date: 9/1/2008 5:32:00 PM
From Authorid: 16865
Ouch! Glad you told us about this. I have heard of it but I am a stubborn customer. I wouldn't even talk to the police over the phone unless I called them LOL.  |
Date: 9/1/2008 8:35:00 PM
From Authorid: 63572
I guess there's one way to prevent this and either pay in cash or get a green dot card  |
Date: 9/1/2008 11:11:00 PM
From Authorid: 56840
THAT. Is pretty crazy. And scary. I'll tell my folks about it. thanks for informing us about it!  |
Date: 9/1/2008 11:50:00 PM
From Authorid: 42945
They try all sorts of tricks, I had a guy call me from the bank I deal with and asked me to verify my account no's etc, I hung up without speaking a word to the guy and rang the bank straight away as we have warnings going over the tv often warning us all to be careful...  |
Date: 9/2/2008 1:08:00 AM
From Authorid: 49091
WHOA!!! Thanks for the tip!!!  |
Date: 9/2/2008 6:20:00 AM
From Authorid: 63241
Thanks for the warning!!!  |
Date: 9/2/2008 10:54:00 AM
From Authorid: 64413
Thanks for the info.... Sage  |
Date: 9/3/2008 12:44:00 AM
From Authorid: 40741
Thanks for this, Ill have to tell me mom about it >.<  |
Date: 9/3/2008 10:22:00 AM
From Authorid: 19586
That is horrible~!!!!!!!!!!! Release me I am going to do what you did. That is a great idea!  |